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How to refer

Cancer Services - Information for GPs - How to refer - Introduction
Pan London suspected cancer referral forms:
The new electronic referral forms can be found ‘my Health London Website’ and is available in word format.  GPs in all CCGs across London are advised to use these forms when referring patients with a suspected cancer as they contain the most up-to -date clinical criteria.
The booking team processes, monitors and tracks all urgent, two-week wait suspected cancer referrals from GPs.  Patients are offered appointments within 14 days once the referral is received in the Trust.  Patients are seen by relevant specialists depending on the type of cancer that their GP suspects.  These include Breast, Gynaecology, Colorectal, Urology, Lung, Upper GIDermatology and Haematology.  Some of our services provide one stop clinics service for breast, urology, dermatology, gynaecology.  Straight to test service include Endoscopy and Lung specialties.
Please ensure that the patient is available to be seen within 14 day and patient is informed that they have been referred with suspected cancer.
Access Centre - Two week booking office
Whittington Health
Magdala Avenue
N19 5NF
0207 288 3736/3542
E-Referral Service – urgent cancer referrals are available for Whittington health on ERS.
Last updated09 Jul 2018
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