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Digital Transformation

About Us - Digital Transformation - Top Image
Just as technology has an ever increasing impact on our everyday lives, technology and information have become even more fundamental to the delivery of modern healthcare within organisations and across a health economy. The processes of diagnosis, planning, care delivery and management are all critically dependent on access to the right information at the point it’s needed.   

Our Digital Strategy

Whittington Health's Digital Strategy 2021-2024 sets out a clear three-year vision and roadmap that builds upon our progress across both Community and Acute services. It supports the Trust to deliver its strategic objectives, and to meet both patient and staff expectations, whilst also meeting the requirements of regional and national strategic drivers.
The Strategy is underpinned by four key digital themes:
  • Digitally Connected Patients - empower patients to actively manage their health and care
  • Digitally Enabled Workforce - enable staff to access shared health and care records
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics - insight driven culture to improve quality, outcome and research
  • Digital Infrastructure - provide secure access and interoperability
The Strategy reviews our progress to date and assesses the Trust's 'digital maturity' level to identify our future requirements and strategic direction. From there a digital roadmap leads to consideration to what this means for our patients and staff.
Last updated30 Dec 2021
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