Further information will appear here shortly.
Resuscitation Services

The Resuscitation Service is a clinical service that provides support, advice and expertise to the Trust's clinical emergency teams responding to deteriorating patients and those in need of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.
The clinical rota for the service is held by the site managers and switchboard. Additionally the service provides high quality resuscitation and trauma education in the form of internationally accredited courses.
The service also teaches patients and relatives in resuscitation techniques as well as members of our community including healthcare professionals.
The Resuscitation Training We Offer
Advanced Life Support with e-learning (eALS)
Further information will appear here shortly.
Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)
Further information will appear here shortly.
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Further information will appear here shortly.
Advanced Trauma Nursing Course (ATNC)
Further information will appear here shortly.
Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCriSP)
Further information will appear here shortly.
Medical and Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma (MOET)
Further information will appear here shortly.
Neonatal Life Support (NLS)
Further information will appear here shortly.
Resuscitation Services
The information on these web pages is currently being updated
We are currently in the process of updating information about our Resuscitation Services. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Last updated01 Dec 2023