Patient Experience

Main Address
- 0207 288 3498
At Whittington Health we want to be sure that everyone in our local community, who may use our services has absolute confidence that our services, your care and treatment are completely patient centered. We can only do this with your guidance and help. Placing you at the heart of all our planning and service developments will allow you to influence our services.
To achieve, this we actively encourage our staff to:
- Seek your opinion and ensure that you feel comfortable to express your opinions concerning your experience without fear of reprisal or worry that it will affect your care and treatment
- Involve you in your care, treatment, planning and decision making
- Ensure patient and public involvement (PPI) is integrated into all aspects of planning at an early stage when decisions are being made about the services and facilities we provide
- We will provide feedback to you about what has improved or changed as a result of your involvement and comments
- Ensure that patient and public involvement (PPI) is embedded at all levels of the organisation
Further Information
We welcome visitors to give us feedback after their visit via our Friends and Family Test surveys.
To fill in our feedback form, please follow the relevant link below:
- Community-based service (i.e. care provided at a Whittington Health service not based at Whittington Hospital)
- Inpatients
- Outpatients
- Emergency Department
- Paediatrics
- Paediatrics (specifically Ifor ward)
- Maternity: antenatal
- Maternity: Community- based postnatal (i.e. care provided at a Whittington Health service not based at Whittington Hospital)
- Maternity: Hospital-based labour and birth (care provided at Whittington Hospital)
- Maternity: Hospital- based postnatal (care provided at Whittington Hospital)
Contact Us
Antoinette Webber
Head of Patient Experience
Mirela Sidor
Patient Experience Manager
How you can get involved: To provide the best possible services we use health professionals - doctors, nurses and therapists - who are experts in their field. You too are an expert by experience, you have the real authority on our performance. We welcome and value your expertise and we encourage you to fill in our feedback surveys above. If you are interested in attending meetings, joining a patient panel or becoming a mystery shopper, commenting on draft policies, or participating in recruitment panels then please contact the Patient Experience team by e-mailing
Other ways you can get involved: Whittington Health has a well established team of volunteers from diverse cultural backgrounds, varying in age, physical abilities, race and gender all with different skills and experiences. Currently we have 202 volunteers who give up hundreds of hours every week to support patients. You may have been a patient or a family member of a patient and you want to volunteer as part of your rehabilitation from an illness or maybe you just want to do something positive to help others. If you want to become a volunteer, please visit this page here for more information and contact the patient experience team on 0207 288 3498 or via e-mail at
Last updated06 Mar 2025