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Publication Scheme

This publication scheme has been prepared using the model publication scheme issued by the Information Commissioner’s office and is effective from 1 January 2012.

This publication scheme commits the Trust to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. The information covered is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held by the authority.

1. Who we are and what we do

We are an integrated care organisation comprising of primary care services in the London Boroughs of Haringey & Islington, and secondary care services in the Whittington Hospital.  In addition to providing first-rate clinical services, we are a centre of excellent academic research, associated with the medical school of University College London.

Our services
Welcome to the services section of our website. Here you will find information about the services we provide across our Trust including details of our consultants.

Our services are listed in the A to Z directory. Each page includes a link to information about the service. You can also search our consultant directory.

Corporate governance information
The Trust board oversees the strategic direction of the organisation. Details of Whittington Health and the Trust Board are available on our website under the section About us.

2. What we spend and how we spend it

A summary of the Trust’s audited annual accounts, Board members’ remuneration and future plans is published in the trust annual report. Summary finance and performance information is published quarterly with trust board papers.

Further to the Government’s initiative to increase transparency around public spending, we publish monthly details of expenditure over £25,000.

3. What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.

The Trust’s strategic priorities are described on our website, in our Clinical Strategy.

Finance and performance information is published regularly with Trust board papers which are available on our website.

Performance ratings
Details of the Trust’s performance ratings compared with other NHS organisations are available from the Care Quality Commission

4. How we make decisions

We understand that the support of the public and patients and the commitment of our staff are essential for our future ambitions. Details of our Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) strategy and how we involve patients and public in developing and monitoring our services can be found at:

  • Public and Patient Involvement

5. Our policies and procedures

Copies of policies and publications for delivering our functions and responsibilities are available here.

All our policies and procedures are available by submitting an Freedom of Information (FoI) request.

6. List and registers

Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.

Register of Interests for our Board Members

The following information may be requested via an Freedom of Information (FoI) request:
  • Details of capital programmes
  • Staff and board members’ allowances and expenses
  • Lists and value of contracts awarded and their value
  • Freedom of Information (FoI) Disclosure Log

7. The services we offer

Decisions about services are taken by the Trust Board and can be viewed in Board minutes. Clinical Services descriptions are available on the Whittington website under the “Our Services” section.

Many of our patient information leaflets are available from the Trust website, within the departments and services pages. The copyright of these documents is retained by the Trust. Further details about patient information available can be requested from our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team.

We have a dedicated Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) which is the first contact point for questions, concerns and suggestions about our services and provides support to patients, their families and visitors including interpreting and Advocacy services. Details of the services offered by the PALS team are available on the PALS page on our website.
Latest news on the hospital is available on the News and Media section of the website and press cuttings about the Whittington Hospital NHS Trust are available.

Please find information about our Spiritual and Pastoral Care service and Voluntary Services on our website pages.
Last updated07 Jun 2024
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