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Special Schools Health and Therapy Team

Young girl with painted hands
We support students to achieve their potential at home and at school, working closely with families, carers and teachers. Our team includes Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and language therapists, Dieticians, Health care assistants, Therapy assistants and Specialist nurses.
During term time our healthcare professionals are based at special schools in Islington which include Samuel Rhodes School, The Bridge Academy and Richard Cloudesley School. At other times they may work from other sites including the Northern Health Centre.
The health team aim to work in an integrated manner with the special schools, recognising the specialist service that the schools already provide to their students & families. Therapeutic input from the health team occurs across three levels in order to effectively meet the needs of the school population.
The three levels include:
Core : The health team offer to work collaboratively with school to train up staff in relevant core skills that are appropriate to meet the students’ need. We also aim to support whole school pieces of work eg curriculum development/ relevant schemes of work.
Targeted : The health team work at this level to support families & class teams in meeting the needs of students through attending MDT meetings, joint planning, joint target setting and delivering training /workshops for families & staff.
Specialist : The health team periodically work at this level with individual student when a direct clinical intervention is required to enable that student to achieve an identified goal or ‘outcome’. Specialist pieces of work are time limited and are intended to complement not replace interventions at targeted/ core levels. Specialist work includes assessment, individual reviews, tailoring therapy programmes & training to an individual’s needs, episodes of direct individual/ group therapy and attending tertiary clinics.
Last updated28 Mar 2025
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