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Speech and Language Therapy (Haringey Children's service)

Speech and Language Therapy (Haringey Children's service)

Main Address

  • Early Years’ service
    Mainstream Schools service
    Special Schools service

    Tynemouth Road Health Centre
    Tynemouth Road
    London N15 4RH
  • Early Years: 020 3224 4399/ Mainstream and Special Schools: 020 3224 4654
We work with children who experience difficulties around speech, language, attention, listening, interaction and alternative augmentative communication. We also work with those who have eating and drinking difficulties.
What we do
  • Provide support in identifying speech, language, communication and swallowing needs
  • Create targeted intervention for those identified with needs
  • Work with parents, teachers and other professionals to ensure the best possible outcomes for children

Our Values
We believe mastering speech, language and communication is fundamental to a child’s learning, future happiness, social adjustment, emotional stability and self-esteem. We want to help children achieve their potential and make positive contributions to society and work with parents and other professionals to ensure maximum effectiveness and best possible outcomes. We train individuals and staff groups.

How we work
Therapy can be delivered in many ways, such as
  • Groups of children working on the same or similar difficulties
  • Individual sessions
  • Personal programmes written and modelled for support staff or anyone working with a child
  • Class strategies and approaches to scaffold learning

Our places of work
  • Clinics within Health Centres (Tynemouth Road, Lordship Lane, The Laurels and Hornsey Central)
  • Children’s centres and nurseries attached to mainstream schools
  • Schools (mainstream and special)
  • Home visits

Our Staff
We are a large team of qualified and registered health and care professionals, speech and language therapists, assistants and administrators.

I am a parent
  • If you are the parent or carer of a pre-school child and are concerned about your child’s speech and language development - call our Early Years’ service on 020 3224 4399 and leave a message. One of the team will come back to you within 10 working days. This is only for parents of children not yet in education. We give information for all other parents below.
  • My child is in mainstream school or a nursery attached to a school – speak to staff who should share your concerns with the SENCo who can refer your child to us.
  • My child is about to start a special school (The Brook, The Vale, Mulberry Autism Unit, Blanche Neville, Riverside or Haringey Sixth Form) - please ask staff to put you in touch with the school’s Speech and Language Therapist.

I am a SENCo (School)

  • You can email your referral here 
  • I am interested in buying in extra speech and language provision - contact for Primary or for Secondary on 020 3224 4654.

I am a Health professional (GP or HV)

  • See our form under the Referral tab.   Or email with queries.

Useful resources

Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

Key Documents

Last updated16 Oct 2023
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