Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Main Address
- Whittington Health
- Tel: 0207 288 5474
- whh-tr.pulmonaryrehab@nhs.net
Services provided as a result of COVID-19
The Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) service is now offering a variety of 6-week PR classes to people who have had COVID-19, either:
- Digital Enhanced Pulmonary Rehabilitation (DEPR)- You will attend one face to face, small socially distanced group class and one app-based (MyCOPD) session with support from our digital health assessor to discuss your progress and goals. Any COPD wellness issues will be directed to one of our clinicians.
- Face-to-Face, twice a week for 6 weeks in a small socially distanced group class.
- Virtual PR: you will be given access to MyCOPD or a written plan for a home-based PR- you will be followed up by our digital health a assessor once a week to discuss your progress and goals. Any COPD wellness issues will be directed to one of our clinicians.
Please note: All patients will be assessed by phone initially and will have a short physical assessment to gauge the most suitable activities to suit your individual needs. These are held at various sites across Islington and Haringey.
The face-to-face group exercise classes will be only in Hornsey central. This is accessible by bus and has a car park for your use.
All education and self-management will be held virtually either via the app or paper based with follow up from our digital health advisor and from the team running the programme.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Overview
The Team also provide and deliver general Pulmonary Rehabilitation in various locations across the boroughs of Islington and Haringey.
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a programme of activity and education for people with long-term lung conditions. It combines physical activity sessions with discussions and advice on lung health and is designed to help you to manage the symptoms of your condition, including getting out of breath.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a programme of gentle activity based exercise and education about your illness which is targeted to your own specific needs. If you complete the course you can expect to:
- Improve your fitness to make you less breathless
- Have a better understanding of your lung condition
- Have improved confidence in your ability to manage your symptoms
- The group runs twice a week for 2 hours each session for 8 weeks. The first part is activity, tailored to your needs and the second part is a discussion about many aspects of your condition.
- These include: managing breathlessness, recognising chest infections and what to do, understanding your medicines, energy conservation and relaxation, and healthy eating.
- A number of programmes run in this area and you will be referred to the one most convenient to you.
Inclusion Criteria (must meet all criteria):
Please feel free to contact the service should you want to discuss your referral queries.
- Respiratory diagnosis with breathlessness that limits functional ability (usually MRC 3 or more) MRC scale
- Optimal medical management
- Able to walk 5m independently (with or without walking aids)
- Able to follow simple commands (in a group environment)
- Agrees to referral after full explanation
- Can commit to attending twice a week for 8 weeks (if not, once a week will be offered)
- The patient is able to make their own way to the venue (Please find links to taxi card / dial a ride and disabled freedom pass)
Exclusion Criteria (any of):
- Severe/uncontrolled Heart Failure
- Uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias or hypertension
- Myocardial Infarct in last 6 weeks
- Unstable angina
- Any other unstable cardiac disease
- Untreated/uncontrolled Diabetes or Epilepsy
- Infection control risk e.g. untreated pulmonary TB
- Significant co-morbidities e.g. stroke, dementia, severe arthritis that render them unsafe/unable to exercise in a group setting
NOTE: If patient requires 1:1 rehabilitation please consider other community options such as Islington REACH Team/ Haringey ICTT/ discuss with team.
Central Booking Service: 0207 288 5474
Useful resources
For more information please click on these links:
British Lung Foundation Pulmonary Rehabilitation information
Living Well with COPD from British Lung Foundation (4 minute video)
NHS pulmonary rehab video (2 minutes)
King’s PR educational YouTube video (part 1) (part 2)
Pulmonary Rehabilitation/ long term exercise Video link
Pulmonary Rehabilitation video
Oxleas Pulmonary Rehab video
British Lung Foundation Pulmonary Rehabilitation information
Living Well with COPD from British Lung Foundation (4 minute video)
NHS pulmonary rehab video (2 minutes)
King’s PR educational YouTube video (part 1) (part 2)
Pulmonary Rehabilitation/ long term exercise Video link
Pulmonary Rehabilitation video
Oxleas Pulmonary Rehab video
Further Information
Clinic dates and times:
Holloway Community Health Centre
Tuesdays and Fridays 12pm – 2pm
Tuesdays and Fridays 12pm – 2pm
Whittington Hospital (Physiotherapy department)
Tuesday and Fridays 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Hornsey Central Community Health Centre
Monday and Thursdays 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Lordship Lane Primary Care Centre
Monday and Thursday 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Monday and Thursdays 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Lordship Lane Primary Care Centre
Monday and Thursday 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Monday - Friday (excluding bank holidays)
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
For class times see below.
Islington GP email referral form to: arti.centralbooking@nhs.net
Haringey GP email referral form to: haringey.adult-referrals@nhs.net
Haringey GP email referral form to: haringey.adult-referrals@nhs.net