Course content

Windfal - Course Content - Objective
Objective: To give you access to the Windfal course material (papers, talks, Q&A)

On the Windfal course, you were given various documents. We have been told that you would like to be able to print some of them out again. This may be because they are useful (e.g. the blood glucose monitoring sheets) or because you have mislaid them. So below you will find links to these documents (in PDF form).
On the course, we also have invited speakers. You can see their presentations again on the 'Windfal talks' page. Just click through the link below.
We have been told that one of the most useful sessions on the Windfal course is the question and answer session with the Diabetes Consultant - where participants get to ask any questions they want. You can see all the questions other participants have asked and the answers on the 'Q & A with the Consultant' page. Just click through the link below.
Last updated06 Jun 2022
Working on it!