
Main Address
- Microbiology
Whittington Health
5th Floor, K Block
Magdala Avenue
London - N19 5NF
- whh-tr.pathology@nhs.net
The Microbiology department receives approximately 200,000 specimens per year (hospital and community).
A wide variety of specimen types are processed for bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology. Screening is provided against pathogens that pose a particular threat to infection control - including Clostridium difficile and MRSA (for which rapid PCR testing is available). The turnaround time for specimens is dependent on complexity and type (they may involve additional processes such as special referred tests and requirements for extended incubation). Simple investigations for UTI will take 2-5 days, whereas investigations for TB will take approximately 6 weeks.
A wide variety of specimen types are processed for bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology. Screening is provided against pathogens that pose a particular threat to infection control - including Clostridium difficile and MRSA (for which rapid PCR testing is available). The turnaround time for specimens is dependent on complexity and type (they may involve additional processes such as special referred tests and requirements for extended incubation). Simple investigations for UTI will take 2-5 days, whereas investigations for TB will take approximately 6 weeks.
In addition to the diagnostic investigation of infectious diseases the department also provides a comprehensive screening service for autoimmune disorders, as well as semen analysis for infertility.
There are three consultant Microbiologists, the service is headed by Dr Michael Kelsey, Dr Julie Andrews and Dr Trupti Patel. The immunology service is overseen by Dr Magdalena Dziadzio. These, along with specialist registrars – provide clinical advice and support around the clock.
General Enquiries
020 7288 5088
Useful resources
Health Protection Agency
The Health Protection Agency's role is to provide an integrated approach to protecting UK public health through the provision of support and advice to the NHS, local authorities, emergency services, other Arms Length Bodies, the Department of Health and the Devolved Administrations.
Clean your hands campaign
Clean your hands campaign
The cleanyourhands campaign is a national initiative in England and Wales to improve the hand hygiene of healthcare workers and help reduce the spread of preventable healthcare associated infections.
Infection Control manual
Infection Control manual
This manual is derived from several documents including old Middlesex and University College Hospitals guidelines. There have been numerous contributors to whom we are grateful for the on-going development of this manual throughout the years. We are constantly adding new material and strive to update relevent sections of the manual as quickly as possible. In October 2005, this manual was approved for use accross the North Central London Strategic Health Authority. This collaborative approach of providing one manual accross several institutions has proven to be very useful.
Lead manager
Routine working hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm
An out of hours service is provided
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm
An out of hours service is provided
Last updated24 Feb 2021