Buns and Cakes

Windfal - Count your carbs - Buns and Cakes - Introduction
Almond slice 35 ˝ 20
American Muffins– Blueberry 72 3 ˝ 49
Mini-muffins – chocolate 28 1 ˝ 49
Apple Strudel 115 4 36
Apple Turnover 100 7-8 78
Bakewell Tart (individual) 43 2 ˝ 64
Black Forest Cake (gateau) 90 3 36
Chelsea bun 78 4 56
Cherry fruit cake 42 2 ˝ 60
Chocolate cake (butter icing) 65 3 ˝ 58
Cupcakes - iced 41 1 ˝ 44
Cream filled choux bun 95 2 ˝ 29
Cream horn 60 1 ˝ 26
Chocolate Eclair 90 2 ˝ 31
Currant bun 60 3 50
Custard tart (individual) 94 3 32
Custard Slice 108 4 38
Danish pastry (medium) 110 5 ˝ 51
Doughnut 60 2 ˝ 47
Flapjack (med) 60 3 ˝ 60
Fruit cake (plain) – slice 90 5 58
Fruit cake with icing 70 4 63
Gateau slice 85 3 ˝ 43
Iced bun 35 2 59
Madeira cake 40 2 58
Malt loaf (slice) 35 2 57
Mince Pies 55 2 39
Meringue nest (small) 15 1 ˝ 93
Rock cake 45 2 ˝ 58
Scone (fruit) 48 2 ˝ 53
Sponge 60 3 52
Swiss roll 30 1 ˝ 58
Teacake (Fresh) 60 3 52
CP = Carbohydrate Portion (10g of Carbohydrate)

CHO = Carbohydrate
Last updated06 Jun 2022
Working on it!