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Listen-EAR (Enjoy, Achieve, Respect)
Listen-EAR (Enjoy, Achieve, Respect) works to build capacity for schools and other youth settings to support development of effective communication skills of ALL children & young people, including those with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
Listen-EAR is a highly collaborative and consultative model of capacity building which involves a language and communication specialist (who is often also a highly specialist speech and language therapist) collaborating, liaising and working closely together with staff in the school or setting  to promote and support the development of effective speaking, listening and communication (oracy) skills of all children & young people.
The Listen-EAR approach focuses on developing consistent and effective good practice for children & young people and ensuring highly inclusive teaching so that it becomes part of the daily practice.
Listen-EAR input may involve audits, action plans, team teaching, coaching through observing and videoing lessons and providing feedback, training sessions and workshops, creating and sharing resources and supporting staff to develop ‘communication friendly’ environments in classrooms and throughout the school.
Currently Whittington Health commission Listen-EAR in Camden and Islington which means that mainstream schools and settings in these boroughs are able to bid to have Listen-EAR for free. The local speech and language therapy services will notify when applications are open and can support the bidding process.
Last updated26 Mar 2019
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