Awards and Achievements

Whittington Annual Awards Theresa ODwyer- Volunteer of the Year
Whittington Annual Awards - Cancer Nursing Team finalists
Whittington Annual Awards - Cancer Nursing Team finalists
Quality in Care Oncology Cancer Team of the Year Finalists Improving cancer patient experience, implementing the recovery package
National Patient Safety Awards Cancer Nursing Team Finalists
National Patient Safety Awards Cancer Nursing Team Finalists
Whittington Excellence Awards Renata Rowicka For hard work and inspiring leadership
Macmillan award Cancer CNS Team Recognition for implementation of e-HNA
Lead Cancer Nurse Compassionate Nurse of the Year Award
Whittington Excellence Awards Renata Rowicka For commitment to service improvement
Whittington Excellence Awards - Helen Ormiston- Employee of the Year
Macmillan award Cancer CNS Team Recognition for implementation of e-HNA
Lead Cancer Nurse Compassionate Nurse of the Year Award
Whittington Excellence Awards Renata Rowicka For commitment to service improvement
Whittington Excellence Awards - Helen Ormiston- Employee of the Year
Whittington Excellence Awards - Helen Ormiston - Efficient performance and true commitment
Quality In Care Programme Pauline Leonard Whittington Health
Quality In Care Programme Pauline Leonard Whittington Health
Whittington Excellence Awards Clinical Team of the Month Chemotherapy Team
Whittington Excellence Awards Helen Ormiston exceptional contribution to Whittington Hospital
Pfizer Excellence in Oncology - Acute Oncology Service Oncology Team of the Year
Pfizer Excellence in Oncology - Acute Oncology Service Oncology Team of the Year
The Whittington Achievement Awards - Nursing Staff in Chemotherapy Suite, Group runners up
Last updated09 Jul 2018