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About Cancer Services

Cancer Services - About us - Introduction
The cancer strategy for Whittington Health aims to deliver person centred care.  We have a designated chemotherapy unit providing ongoing care for cancer patients.  Our cancer and Haematology day-case patients are cared for within the chemotherapy suite supported by an aseptic suite unit for Chemotherapy Production.

The new Whittington Health Cancer Strategy aligns with the themes in the recently published ‘Achieving World-Class Cancer Outcomes: A Strategy for England 2015-2020’, developed by the Independent Cancer Taskforce. Key priorities shared by Whittington Health and the new national strategy include: prevention, early diagnosis, innovative uses of technology, and integrated pathways and care packages.

The oncology services work alongside site specific tumour services as well as supporting services at the Royal Free and University College London hospitals. The colorectal, upper GI and lung cancer services are supported by Dr Pauline Leonard, consultant medical oncologist. Dr Leonard will also see cancer patients with unknown primaries in these clinics. Dr Leonard also leads the Acute Oncology Service, ensuring all patients admitted with complications of their disease or subsequent treatments receive an expert oncology review within 24 hours. The breast cancer service is led by Dr Emma Spurrell, Consultant Medical Oncologist. The Urology cancer service is supported by Dr Maria Vilarino-Varela who is a visiting Consultant from the Royal Free.

Each service has a designated Clinical Nurse Specialist or Key Worker who is assigned to each cancer patient. They have expert knowledge about their tumour type and aim to support and counsel patients throughout their pathway of care.
Last updated28 Jun 2019
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