
Main Address
- 0207 288 5279
The Whittington Health Urogynaecology services provide advice, investigation and treatment for those suffering with Urogynaecology problems. We are happy to see patients with all types of gynaecological problems, even if symptoms are not severe at the moment.
Our team consists of two Urogynaecology consultants, two clinical nurse specialists, and a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist, continence nurse and pessary nurse run clinics for patients with Urogynaecology problems such as stress and urge incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and urinary tract infection. We also support women antenatally and post-partum who have pelvic floor problems such as incontinence, prolapse or problems with the perineum.
Urogynaecology services include:
- Pelvic floor clinics for pelvic organ prolapse, stress incontinence and urge incontinence
- Re-training the pelvic floor muscles, which can involve exercises, stimulation and cones either with the continence nurse or a physiotherapist
- Bladder re-training- a technique to reduce how often you go to the toilet
- Learning how to self catheterise yourself if you cannot empty your bladder
- Medication to treat an infection or calm an overactive bladder
- Urodynamics
- Post partum clinics for third and fourth degree tears
- Surgery – this is an option for stress incontinence, overactive bladder and pelvic organ prolapse
- Pessary clinics
Making an appointment
We ask that you are referred by your GP or Consultant Gynaecologist to us here at the Whittington. Please give details of any previous treatments or investigations.
Last updated03 Mar 2025