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Power Infrastructure Project

Power Infrastructure project
The blue NHS logo has been a part of the NHS identity for over 30 years but did you know that in 2022, the NHS became the first health system to embed ‘net zero’ into legislation to become more green?
You may have heard some rumblings (and if you live near our hospital site, you’ve perhaps quite literally heard the rumblings!) about our hospital’s power infrastructure project.
Construction work on the project may be visible near the front entrance of Whittington Hospital, near Magdala Avenue and Dartmouth Hill. Our teams are working throughout the day to ‘power-up’ our hospital with greener energy via new transformers.

What is being done?

The current power running through Whittington Hospital is 2600 KVA which in the past, has been enough to power our needs.  But with new major development projects on the horizon, this level of power is no longer enough, so the new equipment will enable us to reach 8500 KVA - more than 3 times the amount of power.
And this additional power will move our hospital away from fully relying on fossil gas fuel as primary source for heating, to a modern electric heat pumps supplied of green electricity. By completion of the project, which will take a few years to complete, we will be looking at an incredible 80% decrease in carbon emissions.
The project will also help us save £15k on our annual electricity consumption by 21000Kwhrs, meaning we can divert funds to other areas of our trust.
This is just one project Whittington Health NHS Trust is spearheading that is working towards reducing the impact the NHS has on the environment and helping to secure a better future for generations to come.

Project Updates

We're pleased to announce the new transformer has been installed. 
We're also pleased to report that we had:
  • No reported RIDDOR or minor accidents during project delivery
  • 1 NCA raised throughout phase 1a.

Notice of demolition works

Notice of demolition works

Photo Album

Last updated21 Feb 2025
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