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Our Current Buildings

The Trust is undertaking a programme of improvement works to ensure that all of our buildings and facilities are up to the standards we and our patients expect. To see some of the completed works, and the work in progress take a look at the gallery below. 

What are we doing?
As well as all of the individual projects to improve our estate and environment detailed below, last year we have an exciting and extensive piece of work looking at how Whittington Health will continue to improve the ways we deliver care in the future.  We have been speaking to our colleagues, partners, communities and patients about how our buildings need to change to ensure we can continue to provide the highest quality, safe and effective care.
We already know that some things will not change – we will continue to provide care at both our hospital site and from a number of locations in the community we serve – but people expect healthcare in modern facilities, near their homes and with the opportunity to use technology and this work will help us to stay at the forefront of changing technologies and meet the expectations of those we care for.

When are we doing it?
The project started in late 2018 and continued throughout 2019.  We produced a Draft Estates Strategy for 2020 and, following engagement on the principles and priorities we have set out in that document, we will be producing a Strategic Outline Case (SOC). We will need approval from NHS Improvement before we go any further, but if granted, we will be engaging with you and our local communities to produce more detailed plans.

When will it be finished?

This is a very long-term project.  We will update the timescales as it goes along. See below to find out more about all of the current developments taking place across the trust to ensure that all of our buildings and facilities are up to the standards we and our patients expect.
Updating Our Imaging Equipment
We have invested in new equipment for imaging and in refurbishing many of the rooms in the imaging department on the third floor of Whittington hospital. We are also investing in mobile x-ray units for the Emergency Department and for patients who it would be best not to move. This work started in 2018 and completed in summer 2019.
Building a Better Birth Experience with a New Obstetric Theatre
We are improving the facilities and environment for families giving birth at Whittington hospital with a new obstetric theatre. This part of our Building a Better Birth Experience Programme will mean that we will have two theatres where babies can be delivered, either with assistance or by caesarean. This new theatre means that we have more space and modern facilities and provide one single recovery area for all patients who deliver in either of our two obstetric theatres. The project started in October 2018 and our new theatre opened in autumn 2019.
A New Dental Facility in Uxbridge
We are creating a new facility for community dental services to serve Uxbridge and Hillingdon. This will be made up of four surgeries and is in a great new location for public transport. This work started in December 2018 and the new building started providing dental services in  summer 2019.
Building a Better Birth Experience by Refurbishing Cellier Ward
We are acting on patient and staff feedback about our post-natal facilities. It is important that families who have just given birth at the hospital have a good environment in which to be cared for. The new facilities will include 18 beds in larger bays, almost all of which will also have space for a partner to stay overnight. All of the bathrooms will be refurbished and there will be a new, welcoming entrance for patients and visitors.
The project started in March 2019.  Originally due to be completed by the end of 2019 during the refurbishment some additional works were identified in order to ensure that we are providing the safest highest quality care for our new mothers and their babies. These additional works are expected to now be completed in spring 2020.
Backlog and Improvement Work
We are carrying out a project to update doors, lighting, alarm systems and electrical distribution boards to ensure that they are in line with the latest regulations and fit for the future. This work started in May 2019 and was completed in the summer.
Refurbishing Our Staff Accommodation
We are improving some of our staff accommodation in ‘H block’ on the Whittington Hospital site. The work includes new flooring, new doors, 6 refurbished bathrooms and some rooms being completely refurbished. The project started in April 2019 and was completed in the summer.
Improvements to the Northern Health Centre

We are putting in a new staff kitchen and refurbishing 8 consulting rooms and 2 toilets. We are also making repairs to the front of the building. The project started earlier this year and was completed in autumn 2019.
Creating a Play Space for our Youngest Patients
Our Charity has fundraised and refurbished the Rainbow Garden play area an  outdoor play terrace on Ifor Ward. is a specially designed therapeutic space to allow children to play as well as aid recovery and provides a space for them to interact with siblings during hospital visits.  This work started in October 2019 and was completed in January 2020.
Building a New Mental Health Unit
Our local partners at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust are taking over some land at the back of the Whittington hospital site to build a brand new, state-of-the-art mental health inpatient unit. This will mean better co-ordination of services for patients with both physical and mental health needs, providing person-centred care aimed at reducing the mortality gap for people with a mental health condition. To make room for the new unit, we will be removing Dartmouth Park House and the Whittington Education Centre. We will be providing educational facilities in a new modern unit on the site of the old Waterlow Unit. This work will start in 2020 and the new unit is planned to be ready by 2022.
Providing Modern Education Facilities

In order to make room for a new mental health hospital on the Whittington hospital site we will be moving our education facilities into a new, modern home. We are taking down the derelict Waterlow Unit on the Highgate Hill side of the site and replacing it with a new three-storey building which will be modern, efficient and fit-for-purpose.
Internal work to start demolishing the Waterlow building began in June with the full demolition process to remove the building commencing in September. The process to remove the old building completed in December 2019 with the construction of the new Education Centre now beginning. The current Whittington Education Centre will continue to be available and operate as usual until the new facilities are ready later in 2020.

Our Work To Date

Last updated31 Dec 2021
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