Meet our AHPs

Find out what some of our AHPs say about their roles here at Whittington Health, their training, support and development and what it feels like to be a part of our team.

Sophie Landau

Community Paediatric Dietitian
Sophie Landau

I’ve been given time out as part of my AHP Preceptorship to research and study and I’ve found I have more opportunity at Whittington Health for continued professional development than in my previous role. Supervision with my manager happens regularly and the senior team is always on hand if I need advice or back up.

Sophie Landau
My role 
Whittington gave me my first paediatric dietitian role, working mainly at local clinics and in three schools as part of the Islington Additional Needs and Disability Service. Along with other specialists, I help children and families in our local population with issues such as faltering growth, food allergies, selective eating, IBS and nutrient deficiencies. We also deal with children who need to be tube-fed and we assess and monitor their nutritional needs in order to come up with feeding plans.
I love the variety of work the role gives me and the fact I get to work closely with the multi-disciplinary team (including occupational therapists, physios and speech and language therapists). It’s a good feeling to come together to work out how best to support the children whose care we share and to bounce ideas off each other.
Passion for the Job
I love science and food and dietetics brings the two together beautifully. I am never bored and I can’t believe I am lucky enough to have a job that combines two of my passions! I worked with the elderly before, which was rewarding, but with children you are right in there at the beginning of their development and have the potential to make a long-term difference.
Career Progression
I have a few projects in the pipeline, which my manager is supporting me with. For instance, many of our children are selective eaters, so I’m hoping to set up group advice sessions. I also want to set up a weight-neutral cardioprotective intervention, focused on the body’s hunger/fullness signals, and integrating healthy behaviours into the lives of teens without aiming for weight loss. 
I’ve been given time out as part of my AHP Preceptorship to research and study and I’ve found I have more opportunity at Whittington Health for continued professional development than in my previous role. Supervision with my manager happens regularly and the senior team is always on hand if I need advice or back up.
I enjoy being autonomous in my work. I have my own caseload and can arrange my schedule myself. If I feel I need to give more time to some complex admin, I can do that and can juggle priorities as I like. There is a supportive atmosphere among colleagues, both in the hospital and in the community.
Nicola Darby

Nicola Darby

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

Ben Flavell

Ben Flavell

Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Emergency Department

Jessica Horne

Jessica Horne

Lead Physiotherapist

Mariam Majidi

Mariam Majidi

Community Dietitian

Laura Marmion

Laura Marmion

Occupational Therapist

Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris

Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist

Barbara O’Donnell

Barbara O’Donnell

Anaesthetic Team Lead and Operating Department Practitioner

Georgea Pitsillou

Georgea Pitsillou

Language Pathway Lead, Barnet Children’s Integrated Therapies

Last updated14 Jun 2023
Working on it!