Meet our AHPs

Find out what some of our AHPs say about their roles here at Whittington Health, their training, support and development and what it feels like to be a part of our team.

Barbara O’Donnell

Anaesthetic Team Lead and Operating Department Practitioner
Barbara O’Donnell

Along with the rest of the AHP community, I believe that lifelong learning is at the heart of our professions. One example of this is that I’ll soon move from my role to becoming a resuscitation officer. My role here has always involved resuscitation, but I will be specialising in this area and embarking on Resuscitation Council courses that the trust will support me to do.

Barbara O’Donnell
The Team Spirit
We’re a team of about 15 ODPs and anaesthetic nurses and we all pull together to look after new recruits. Even when we took in students during COVID-19, time was taken to look after them and support their learning. Whenever there is a tense and difficult situation, the entire team comes together to deliver good care.
Variety of Work
Our days are busy and varied, with no two ever the same. There is always plenty to learn, whether from difficult situations or from non-clinical aspects. Along with the rest of the AHP community, I believe that lifelong learning is at the heart of our professions. One example of this is that I’ll soon move from my role to becoming a resuscitation officer. My role here has always involved resuscitation, but I will be specialising in this area and embarking on Resuscitation Council courses that the trust will support me to do.
Spotting Talent
Appraisals are a key tenet of keeping up our standards and alongside those more formal reviews I always instigate informal check-ins - looking after staff is important and to check-in with them on a human level has always been a focus of mine.
We like to develop talent and ability at Whittington. I always try to spur people on by giving them projects they are interested in and that will suit their skill set.
Recently, we gave a Quality Improvement project to a nurse as she had expressed an interest in streamlining medicine management. With our encouragement, she went on to instigate a full medicine management audit, which both made our lives easier and answered an area identified in a CQC inspection. Seeing our staff fly gives me great job satisfaction.
Nicola Darby

Nicola Darby

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

Ben Flavell

Ben Flavell

Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Emergency Department

Jessica Horne

Jessica Horne

Lead Physiotherapist

Sophie Landau

Sophie Landau

Community Paediatric Dietitian

Mariam Majidi

Mariam Majidi

Community Dietitian

Laura Marmion

Laura Marmion

Occupational Therapist

Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris

Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist

Georgea Pitsillou

Georgea Pitsillou

Language Pathway Lead, Barnet Children’s Integrated Therapies

Last updated14 Jun 2023
Working on it!