Resuscitation Simulation



To provide world class resuscitation practice and education.

Additionally, the resuscitation service provides the following post graduate resuscitation courses for Whittington staff and others in the NCL sector and nationally.

Resuscitation Council (UK) Advanced Life support Course.

Two day high intensity national certificate in advanced adult resuscitation.

Advanced Trauma Life Support Course

Advanced Trauma Life Support Course

Advanced trauma life support course - three day international certificate in trauma management.

Resuscitation Council (UK) newborn life support course.

Advanced paediatric life support course: one day on line, two day high intensity paediatric emergency medicine and resuscitation.

Care of the critically ill surgical patient (CcRisP) - three day national certificate in intensive care medicine focussing on surgical high risk patients.

Simulated arrests in many of the clinical areas and we will use the mobile camera to record and play back these for educational purposes.

Last updated31 Dec 2009
Working on it!