Paediatric Simulation


  • To improve staff training in the management of common acute paediatric emergencies.
  • To improve team working across specialties.
  • To ‘practice’ managing the critically ill child in a safe environment.

Examples of conditions covered:

  • Acute life-threatening asthma
  • Severe bronchiolitis requiring ventilatory support
  • Asystolic infant
  • Child with septicaemic shock
  • Anaphylaxis

Simulation Course for ST3 Paediatricians


The Simulation Committee for the London School of Paediatrics has developed a training programme for all ST3 paediatric trainees.

Clinicians/Nurse Educators / Resuscitation Officers from the Whittington Hospital NHS trust, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, GOSH NHS Trust and RFH NHS Trust have taken part in developing this training programme over the last 12 months. The course has been mapped to the RCPCH paediatric curriculum.

This group of doctors will receive training in the following three areas:

1. Management of paediatric and neonatal life-threatening scenarios
2. Communication training
3. Training in non-technical skills

The Whittington Hospital, UCLH, Royal free and GOS Hospital NHS Trusts will be able to provide five full immersion simulation training days, and three communication and part-task training days before the end of the paediatric academic year i.e. before September 2010.
Last updated30 Dec 2009
Working on it!