Whittington scores highest level in maternity services

Modern maternity midwife, Logan Vanlessen and childInspectors have given the Whittington’s maternity services top marks after a two-day visit to the department. The Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts, or CNST, assessed the services according to eight national risk management standards. The Whittington’s maternity service achieved 100 per cent compliance with all eight standards and was awarded level-three status, the highest level possible.

Deborah Wheeler, Director of Nursing and Clinical Development, said: “Receiving a level-three standard in maternity is a wonderful achievement. This reflects the fact that we have a very safe maternity service, with good staffing levels and a high standard of clinical care.”

(Pictured: Modern maternity midwife, Logan Vanlessen and child)
Last updated28 Mar 2008
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