Speciality paediatric clinics run by Whittington consultants
The specialist paediatric clinics run by Whittington consultants include:
Click on name for details
Click on name for details
Consultant: Neeta Patel
The clinic runs four times per week and is run by a multi-disciplinary team including a paediatric dietician and an allergy nurse. This allows children with suspected allergies to be assessed, tested and have a dietary review, where needed, during the first appointment.
The clinic runs four times per week and is run by a multi-disciplinary team including a paediatric dietician and an allergy nurse. This allows children with suspected allergies to be assessed, tested and have a dietary review, where needed, during the first appointment.
Consultant: Mervyn Jaswon
This clinic runs monthly with Dr Jaswon and an asthma nurse specialist. Investigations may include lung function tests and allergy testing. Children seen in this clinic are those with complicated asthma. An example is children requiring high dose maintenance steroids and long acting beta 2 agonists.
This clinic runs monthly with Dr Jaswon and an asthma nurse specialist. Investigations may include lung function tests and allergy testing. Children seen in this clinic are those with complicated asthma. An example is children requiring high dose maintenance steroids and long acting beta 2 agonists.
Behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders
Consultant: Dr Tony Wheeler and Dr Nicole Horwitz
These clinics are weekly.
These clinics are weekly.
Consultant: Natasha Kapur
This clinic is weekly.
This clinic is weekly.
Consultant: Joseph Raine
Nurse Specialist: Roma Romano-Morgan
This is a multi-disciplinary clinic with a specialist diabetes nurse and a dietitian. In addition, quarterly transitional care diabetes clinic are held for teenagers with adult diabetologists to aid their transition to adult care.
Nurse Specialist: Roma Romano-Morgan
This is a multi-disciplinary clinic with a specialist diabetes nurse and a dietitian. In addition, quarterly transitional care diabetes clinic are held for teenagers with adult diabetologists to aid their transition to adult care.
Consultant: Joseph Raine
This clinic is held monthly and deals with children with growth disorders, pubertal disorders and thyroid problems.
This clinic is held monthly and deals with children with growth disorders, pubertal disorders and thyroid problems.
Endocrine/adolescent endocrine
Consultant: Joseph Raine / Michaela Rossi
This clinic is held monthly and focuses on adolescent endocrine disorders.
This clinic is held monthly and focuses on adolescent endocrine disorders.
Consultant: Mervyn Jaswon
This clinic is held once a month with an enuresis nurse. Bladder scanning and enuresis alarms are given, where appropriate.
This clinic is held once a month with an enuresis nurse. Bladder scanning and enuresis alarms are given, where appropriate.
Consultant: Dr Kerry Robinson, Consultant Paediatrician and Dr Katarina Harris, Consultant Community Paediatrician.
Children with epilepsy are seen in this clinic.
Children with epilepsy are seen in this clinic.
General paediatrics
Consultant: All consultants
This clinic deals with conditions such as uncomplicated asthma, growth concerns, failure to thrive, constipation, headaches, abdominal pain etc.
This clinic deals with conditions such as uncomplicated asthma, growth concerns, failure to thrive, constipation, headaches, abdominal pain etc.
Consultant: Heather Mackinnon
Nurse specialist: Wendy King
This clinic runs weekly on Thursday mornings and is run by a multidisciplinary team with a clinical nurse specialist and a child psychotherapist.
Nurse specialist: Wendy King
This clinic runs weekly on Thursday mornings and is run by a multidisciplinary team with a clinical nurse specialist and a child psychotherapist.
Consultant: Dr Heather Mackinnon / Dr Jenny Worrall- Consultant Rheumatologist
This clinic runs monthly and is mainly filled by GP referrals.
This clinic runs monthly and is mainly filled by GP referrals.
Sickle cell
Consultant: Andrew Robins / Bernard Davies / Norman Parker
Nurse specialist: Edith Aimiuwu
This is a weekly clinic held every Monday morning, for children with a major sickling haemoglobinopathy (HbSS or HbSC). It is multidisciplinary with paediatric, haematology, clinical psychology and specialist nurse input. Inpatient management is also overseen by the same team.
Nurse specialist: Edith Aimiuwu
This is a weekly clinic held every Monday morning, for children with a major sickling haemoglobinopathy (HbSS or HbSC). It is multidisciplinary with paediatric, haematology, clinical psychology and specialist nurse input. Inpatient management is also overseen by the same team.
Consultant: Andrew Robins / Farrukh Shah
Nurse specialist: Edith Aimiuwu
This evening clinic is held three monthly for children with beta thalassaemia major and other thalassaemias, with paediatric , haematology and specialist nurse input. National standards have been set and are closely adhered to. Routine transfusion and chelation therapy is overseen by the same team.
Nurse specialist: Edith Aimiuwu
This evening clinic is held three monthly for children with beta thalassaemia major and other thalassaemias, with paediatric , haematology and specialist nurse input. National standards have been set and are closely adhered to. Routine transfusion and chelation therapy is overseen by the same team.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's)
Consultant: Mervyn Jaswon
This clinic is held once every six weeks. It is a one-stop clinic for UTI's with necessary investigations, e.g. renal USS, being performed during the appointment.
This clinic is held once every six weeks. It is a one-stop clinic for UTI's with necessary investigations, e.g. renal USS, being performed during the appointment.
Last updated24 Dec 2015