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Respiratory nursing service

Claire Ward and Siobhan Kennedy are the two respiratory nurse specialists. They work with both in and outpatients providing assessment, education and support to patients, their carers and the health professionals involved in their treatment.

The nurse specialists will see anyone admitted to the hospital with asthma, ensuring they receive specialist respiratory assessment, the appropriate interventions and safe discharge planning. In addition, they plan and deliver educational information about asthma, the aims of asthma management and the different treatment regimes. They also see patients with COPD for education and advice about the disease.


The nurse specialists run outpatient clinics, seeing patients for assessment, monitoring, disease education and support. They undertake allergy testing for inhaled allergens and for people with poorly controlled asthma; and also advise on inhaled therapy and appropriate devices for individual patients. The nurse specialists run the Whittington Hospital nebuliser service, assessing appropriate patients and managing the equipment servicing programme.

Last updated23 Jan 2007
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