Core medical programme
There are a total of 13 programmes running at Whittington Health, with 12 trainees on site and 1 trainee at Queen Square (neurology) at any given time.
Each year of the programme consists of four x three month posts. Most trainees remain with us for two years. One programme comprises one year at Whittington Health and one year at the Royal Free for either renal medicine or HIV/infectious diseases.
All the programmes incorporate a three month block of intensive care medicine and eight of the programmes will rotate to neurology in either CT1 or CT2 at some stage.
Core medical generic teaching
Every Tuesday 1245 – 1400 MAU Seminar Room
Grand Round
Every Wednesday 1245 – 1400 Whittington Education Centre
Departmental teaching
Teaching within specialties is organised, normally on a weekly basis
Quality improvement / audit presentations & patient safety forum
Organised monthly with presentations from consultants and trainees on QI and Audit projects. The trust lead for patient safety then leads a open forum discussion on issues encountered around patient safety
UCLPartners regionally organised teaching
As part of training for core medical trainees in London, regional training sessions are organised across many of the hospitals locally.
Outpatient clinic attendance
Trainees are expected to have attended and participated in a range of outpatient clinics throughout their training. The following clinics are available:
Every Tuesday 1245 – 1400 MAU Seminar Room
Grand Round
Every Wednesday 1245 – 1400 Whittington Education Centre
Departmental teaching
Teaching within specialties is organised, normally on a weekly basis
Quality improvement / audit presentations & patient safety forum
Organised monthly with presentations from consultants and trainees on QI and Audit projects. The trust lead for patient safety then leads a open forum discussion on issues encountered around patient safety
UCLPartners regionally organised teaching
As part of training for core medical trainees in London, regional training sessions are organised across many of the hospitals locally.
Outpatient clinic attendance
Trainees are expected to have attended and participated in a range of outpatient clinics throughout their training. The following clinics are available:
- Respiratory (Dr Lock), Thursday Afternoon
- Cardiology (Dr Hardman), Tuesday morning or alternate Monday afternoons
- Cardiology (Dr Loong), Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon
- Gastroenterology (Dr Suri), Friday morning. In addition to Gastroenterology there is a subspeciality interest of viral hepatitis seen in the clinic.
Consultants' and GP perspectives:
Last updated09 Sep 2021