School Questionnaire
The information you provide on this form is confidential and not shared with your child’s school unless you give us consent. However, we would always encourage you to support your child's learning by sharing any health concerns with the school.
The questionnaire will be given to your child by their class teacher please return to the class teacher in the envelope provided, they will make sure it is given back to us.
National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
Why is measurement of growth important?
The School Health Team carries out this programme in reception and year 6 in the spring term of each academic year. You will receive a letter first explaining the programme and advising you on how to opt out should you not wish your child to be measured. For more information on the NCMP click here
Vision screening
Why we test vision
Good vision is important for learning as over 80 percent of everything we learn is through what we see. Vision development is completed by the age of 8, so it is important to detect any abnormalities as early as possible so that treatment can be commenced. This is why we follow national guidelines and carry out the programme in the spring/summer term.
Is a vision test necessary when my child appears to have normal vision?
Yes, a vision test is still important, children can often be long-sighted or short-sighted but as they have always viewed the world this way, it is “normal” for them. It may be possible that there is poor vision in one eye therefore the “good” eye is doing all the work making it undetectable without proper testing.
How we do the vision test
Vision is tested using a letter of different sizes at a standard distance. If your child does not know their letters, they will be able to use a matching system. The vision is checked in each eye separately. We will then write to you and inform you if your child passes or needs to be referred.
What if my child does not pass the vision test?
Depending on the type of vision loss, the school health team will arrange a direct referral to the ophthalmology department at the local clinic or will advise you to see your local high street optician. We will always follow up our referral with you and would encourage you to share the out come with the school.
Hearing screening
Why we test your child’s hearing?
It may not always be obvious when a child has a hearing problem, sometimes their speech may be unclear or slow to develop and they do not reply when you call them. Your child may talk very loudly and their behaviour or progress at school may be affected. It is always better for any hearing loss to be identified and treated as early as possible.
How do we do a hearing test?