Please complete either the online self referral form, phone our midwifery team on 020 7288 3672, or ask your GP for a referral.

How can I find medical information and advice about my pregnancy?
The NHS Choices website has comprehensive information relating to pregnancy. It includes information of the food and drink you can eat during pregnancy, symptoms during pregnancy and medications you can take. You can also click here for pregnancy information and leaflets from the Whittington or ask your midwife for more information.
What if I want to travel when I am pregnant?
What antenatal workshops are there and when are they held?
- Early bird classes - for first trimester advice
- Antenatal education (Parentcraft) classes
- Breastfeeding workshops
These are held on a monthly basis, please click here for more information.
What am I entitled to during pregnancy and the postnatal period?
How can I receive complementary therapy such as acupuncture?
Acupuncture can be beneficial during pregnancy for:
- Birth preparation
- Serious musculoskeletal pain e.g. back pain, sciatic nerve pain and pelvic pain
- Turning babies from breech to head down presentation
- Severe vomiting (hyperemesis)
Who do I phone if I am concerned or worried?
How do I arrange for a home birth?
Is there car parking available?
What should I do if I think I am in labour?
Which entrance do I use out of hours at night?
What pain management is available in the Birth Centre and Labour Ward?
- Birthing pool (please bring your own sieve and mirror if you would like to use the birthing pool)
- Gas and air (Entonox - a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas)
- Massage
- Complementary therapies such as hypnobirthing and acupuncture
- Diamorphine injection (into the muscle of your thigh or buttock)
- Epidural (only available on Labour Ward )
Is there a birth ball in every room in the Birth Centre and on the Labour Ward or should I bring my own?
There are birth balls in all rooms, however you can bring your own (with a pump) if you prefer.
How many birthing pools are there on the Labour Ward?
There are four birthing pools in the Birth Centre and two on the Labour Ward.
Do we have to have a car seat with when taking baby home?
Yes, if you have your baby in hospital or a Birth Centre, you will need a car seat to drive your newborn home. It's a good idea to practice fitting the seat before your baby is born. This NHS website provides some tips for buying a baby car seat.
What about visitors?
Can partners stay overnight - or another family member instead of a partner?
What can we do if we are not comfortable with our midwife (in labour or during pregnancy)?
Please ask to speak to the community team leader, lead midwife on the ward, or to the Labour Ward Coordinator to discuss.
How do I discuss an issue with my care or my birth experience?
Do I get to keep my notes when I go home?
As your notes are a legal document, the hospital will store them for 25 years. We will provide you with an electronic summary of your pregnancy journey. Please click here If you would like to request a copy of your maternity notes (yellow book).
Do you have issues accessing the internet?
Eligibility criteria:
- Anyone 18 years or older from a low-income household who either lacks internet access at home, cannot afford their current data plan, or does not have internet access while away from home.