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Main Address

The imaging department provides a service for patients in hospital and for patients referred directly from their General Practitioners.

The department is composed of consultant radiologists, sonographers, radiographers and administrative and clerical staff. Our staff have comprehensive experience across a wide range of clinical areas with specialists at radiography and consultant level.

The imaging department has a state of the art digital imaging system which means that we can send reports on patients' scans and x-rays electronically to GPs and other departments in the hospital.

Range of services

  • Comprehensive 24/7 low dose digital plain x-ray service supporting our Emergency and Urgent Care centres
  • Diagnostic mammography and ultrasound breast services
  • State of the art CT and MRI scanning including CT colonography
  • Oncall responsive consultant led imaging service with 24/7 diagnostic
  • MRI specialist iron overload assessment for Thalassaemic and Sickle Cell patients
  • Gamma camera providing comprehensive general nuclear medicine services (including gastro-intestinal, cardiac and orthopaedic imaging techniques)
  • DXA service providing bone densitometry, fracture risk and vertebral fracture assessments
  • Open access walk-in x-ray service for GP patients during the working day
  • General, obstetric and gynaecological Ultrasound
  • Vascular (vein and carotid doppler) studies
  • Enterprise wide distribution of diagnostic images
  • Post mortem CT studies for forensics and religious communities
  • Bariatric Imaging services
  • Electronic distribution of results to GP's 

General Enquiries

For any clinical queries, you can e-mail us at


020 7288 5888 (9am -3pm, Monday - Friday)


In order to make an appointment, we need the referral form. The patient can either bring the request form to the Imaging Department, on Level 3 or email Please do not telephone us to make an appointment. Please ensure that all sections of the request form are filled appropriately - We rely on this to book the correct investigation and to make sure that the result is returned to the correct referrer.


GP enquiry hotline
07887 833703 (Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm)

Useful resources

If you would like a more detailed information, the Royal College of Radiologists website offers an excellent web site to explain what each service actually does.  Please see useful links below.

The Royal College of Radiologists website

Further Information

Mustafa Hassan Acting Imaging Services General Manager
020 7288 3659

Helen Taylor Clinical Director
020 7288 5651
The radiologists are doctors specially trained to interpret the images and carry out some of the more complex examinations. They are supported by radiographers who are highly trained to carry out many of the X-ray and other imaging procedures. Specialist registrars from the UCLH radiology rotation and Royal Free Hospitals also form an important part of the imaging department staff.
Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm.
If you would like an x-ray but these times are not convenient or if you would prefer not to travel to our hospital, you can also get an x-ray at our Community Diagnostic Centre located in The Mall, Wood Green. Click here to find out more.

Monday - Friday 8.00am - 8.00pm.
Nuclear Medicine:
Monday - Thursday 8.00am -8.00pm

Monday - Friday 8.00am - 6.00pm.
If you would need an ultrasound but these times are not convenient or if you would prefer not to travel to our hospital, you can also get an x-ray at our Community Diagnostic Centre located in The Mall, Wood Green. Click here to find out more.


Last updated11 Jan 2023
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