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The Child Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP) team at Islington CAMHS is facilitating a 2-part workshop on "Building confidence and managing anxiety in your child NDD (5-11 years)" on Tuesday 27th September from 9:30-11:00 (PART 1) and Tuesday 4th October from 9:30 -11:00 (PART 2).

Part 1 of the workshop will focus on what anxiety is, how anxiety develops, what keeps it going and how children with neurodevelopmental differences experience anxiety.

Part 2 of the workshop will think more about what parents/carers can do to manage anxiety and build confidence in children with neurodevelopmental differences, through coping strategies.

Please note this workshop is suitable for parents of children and young people who are on a waiting list for a neurodevelopmental condition (ASC/ADHD) assessment. 

If you would like to attend the workshop, please sign up using the link below:
Last updated28 Sep 2022
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