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GP information

Wood Green CDC - Service Status Image

Information for referrers

The Wood Green NHS Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) brings diagnostic tests into the heart of Haringey. The CDC is located within The Mall, the busy shopping centre in Wood Green. The centre is hosted by Whittington Health NHS Trust and offers X-ray, Ultrasound, Phlebotomy and Ophthalmology appointments for Haringey and North Central London (NCL) residents.
Why is the CDC based in a shopping centre?
People have been asking for care to be provided closer to their homes for a long time. At the same time, Haringey residents have to travel further to access diagnostic tests than people in other boroughs, with fewer facilities available within Haringey.

Wood Green is one of the most accessible areas in Haringey, with fantastic transport links, cycle network infrastructure and car parks for those who need to drive. We believe this is a real opportunity to improve access to diagnostic tests in a population who are currently underserved.

We have engaged with local residents since September 2021 and will continue to do so after the launch of the CDC. Helping to build trust and usage of the new facility.
If you have any questions, please email

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

In the first phase, the CDC can only accept those who are:
•ambulant or partially ambulant
•adult patients
X-ray The CDC will provide all x-ray examinations except OPG.
Ultrasound The CDC will provide only abdominal and gynaecological ultrasound, with the aim to expand this to MSK once the service has been fully established.
No obstetrics will be performed.
Phlebotomy All blood tests can be performed.
Ophthalmology Referrals only accepted via secondary care for macular retina and glaucoma tests.


The CDC aims to improve efficiency, reduce waiting times, and improve accessibility to diagnostic tests.
The CDC will accept referrals predominantly from all GPs across NCL and community referrers, and will also accept referrals from any secondary care referrers in NCL according to the service.

To achieve this, a comprehensive Directory of Service (DoS) has been created that broadens the scope of diagnostic tests that GPs are currently able to request.

Referral pathways

 Walk-in service with a valid referral.
 Email referrals
 All appointments booked via SwiftQueue. During Phase 1 of the CDC, Swiftqueue will only be used for pre-booking with no onsite patient hardware availability.
 Referrals only accepted via secondary care.



Each service will have its unique way of reporting results to the appropriate referrer based on clinical findings and IT infrastructure.
  • Back to the referrer or direct to Emergency Department of the patient’s choice if urgent or life-threatening (a copy of the report will be sent to the GP).
  • Turnaround is a maximum of three working days.
  • Back to the referrer or direct to Emergency Department of the patient's choice if urgent or life-threatening (a copy of the report will be sent to the GP).
  • Turnaround is a maximum of three working days.
  • Back to the referrer.
  • Turnaround is a maximum of five days.
  • Back to the referrer

Last updated06 Feb 2025
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