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Adults - how do I get referred?

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How do I arrange an appointment at the Centre?

I live in either Camden or Islington Boroughs, or I have a Camden or Islington GP

  • Fill out the self-referral form and submit it. We will contact you to arrange an appointment
  • Your assessment and therapy will be funded under an agreement that the Centre has with Camden and Islington Commissioners

I live elsewhere in the UK

  • You need to be referred to the Centre by your GP
  • Ask your GP whether they would be willing to refer you to the Michael Palin Centre. Your GP will decide whether or not this will be possible.  They will need to agree to fund your assessment and also any therapy that you access here

I would like to attend privately (UK residents)

  • Fill out the referral form for private clients and submit it. We will contact you to tell you how to make a payment for a private assessment. Find information about costs here
  • Private assessments are arranged on receipt of payment

I would like to attend privately (overseas residents)

  • Fill out the referral form for private clients and submit it. We will contact you to tell you how to make a payment for a private assessment. Find information about costs here
  • Private assessments are arranged on receipt of payment

Last updated19 Jun 2019
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