Haringey Community Paediatrics: Pathway for Down Syndrome
Email for referrals: whh-tr.compaed-har@nhs.net
Who is this care pathway for?
This care pathway has been written primarily for families and carers of a child who has a diagnosis of Down Syndrome.
This information is also likely to be of interest and helpful for professionals as well.
Who do we see?
We see children and young people up to 18 years of age who:
Just to note that we do not accept referrals directly from families.
- have a diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome
- have a Haringey GP OR are at school in Haringey
Just to note that we do not accept referrals directly from families.
How to use this tool
When you scroll down you will see the information provided in this care pathway is set out in the following sections:
- Who we see?
- Who can refer and how?
- Care Pathway: gives a flow-diagram type overview of the pathway
- Detailed actions: sets out in more detail what is involved in the different parts of pathway
- Associated documents: more for use by professionals
- Resources: these are links to relevant web sites
- Quality standards: this is a list of the quality standards that we report on annually on this web site and these are designated by QS where they appear in the text
Who can refer and how?
We accept referrals from any professional. If you are concerned about your child, please discuss your worries with your GP, health visitor or other professional who is working with you and your child, as they can make a referral.
While we do not accept referrals directly from families, the referral must include acknowledgement that you have consented to the referral.
A referral form is included in the Associated Documents section of this web page for use
Care Pathway

Detailed Actions to be Completed
Referral Received |
Please note that in our service We use an electronic patient record to hold our clinical notes and documents. This in turn is accessible by other professionals who work for Whittington Health and helps greatly with our information sharing.
At the end of each appointment we will write a report that is sent to you with an agreed plan and copy list of all relevant professionals. We aim to send this out within 2 weeks of the appointment (QS-1).
We welcome and actively seek, and act on feedback from all who use our services (QS-2).
Referral Triaged |
All referrals are triaged by a consultant paediatrician.
Additional information may be requested if there are any gaps identified in the information provided.
From the information available, additional referrals to therapy services may be generated, e.g. physiotherapy, speech and langue therapy etc. All children in this care pathway are referred onto our specialist HV who will make contact with you.
In keeping with national standards children are offered their 1st appointment at 6 months of age, then followed up 6 monthly to 5 years of age, and there after 2 yearly while in school by their school nurse.
First Appointment
You will be seen by a paediatrician who will go through the following:
Follow-up to 5 years of age
At the follow up appointments your paediatrician will:
Follow-up after 5 years of age
When your child stars at school his or her health monitoring will pass to their school nurse who will do this on a 2 yearly basis. At these reviews the school nurse will:
Transition to adult services
Preparation for and transition into adult services is a multidisciplinary process involving education, social care and health. The school nurse will participate in this and liaise with the paediatrician who will make any referrals needed to adult medical services.
Associated Documents

Useful links | |
Down Syndrome Association |
This is a registered charity with Downs syndrome, their parents, carers, and professionals.
Downs Syndrome Medical Interest Group |
This site provides essential information for healthcare professionals on 'best practice' medical care for people with Down syndrome in the UK and Ireland.
This is a charity offering support and information relating to heart conditions associated with Down Syndrome.
DSE works to improve early intervention and education for children with Down syndrome everywhere. We support scientific research and provide evidence-based resources and services to help over 100,000 parents and professionals in over 170 countries each year.
A group for parents of children and adults with Mosaic Down Syndrome.
NHS website giving Down Syndrome information.
Markfield Community Centre in Haringey promotes the dignity, choice, independence and community of disabled people and their families.
Haringey Disabled Children's Team provides advice and assistance to families with children who have severe and complex disabilities.
Haringey Council - Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities |
This information is for parents/carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. It explains the support we offer in Haringey for those children and young people. This is called our ‘local offer’.
Haringey Council - Learning Disabilities
Haringey Learning Disabilities Partnership provides health and social care services for adults and children with learning disabilities, and their carers. The Partnership aims to support people with learning disabilities to achieve independence and life-time well being.
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children may help with the extra costs of looking after a child who:
is under 16 AND has difficulties walking or needs more looking after than a child of the same age who doesn’t have a disability. |
Quality Standards
QS-1 |
We will send out our clinic letters within 2 weeks of the appointment
QS-2 |
We welcome, actively seek and act on feedback from all who use our services
Last updated30 Aug 2019