Fetal Medicine Unit

Main Address
- Maternity day unit, Level 5, Kenwood Wing, The Whittington Hospital, Magdala Avenue, London N19 5NF
- 020 7288 5588
Women are referred to our fetal medicine unit when an abnormality is detected during a routine scan, or if there is concern for the health of an unborn baby.
Our fetal medicine unit offers:
Our fetal medicine unit offers:
- Diagnosis and management of fetal abnormalities
- Management of complicated pregnancies
- Invasive tests including chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis test to detect chromosomal abnormalities
- Monitoring and treatment of women with Rhesus alloimmunisation, alloimmune thrombocytopaenia and other abnormal red cell antibodies
- Management of monochorionic (sharing the same placenta) twin pregnancies
- Prediction and prevention of pre-term delivery
If one of our sonographers suspects an abnormality during a scan they will let you know and refer you to see one of our fetal medicine specialists.
You could also be referred to us if there is any concern about the growth of the baby, the fluid around the baby during your pregnancy, or if a screening test shows you are at an increased risk of having a baby with Down's syndrome.
You could also be referred to us if there is any concern about the growth of the baby, the fluid around the baby during your pregnancy, or if a screening test shows you are at an increased risk of having a baby with Down's syndrome.
We run clinics Monday to Thursday at The Whittington Hospital.
When you come to see us we will carry out a scan to confirm the suspected diagnosis. If we find there isn’t an abnormality you will continue with your planned maternity care.
If the diagnosis is confirmed we will explain what this means and discuss in detail the options available for managing the condition. Depending on your condition you may continue to see us in the fetal medicine unit throughout your pregnancy.
For some conditions, such as twin to twin transfusion syndrome or fetal heart abnormality, you may need further assessment and treatment with another service. We work closely with our colleagues in the neonatal intensive care unit at Whittington Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital and the fetal medicine centres at University College London Hospital and King’s College Hospital to plan any care you require throughout your pregnancy and after your baby is born.
We have close links with all of the hospitals we refer to and our fetal medicine specialists run clinics at University College London Hospital.
When you come to see us we will carry out a scan to confirm the suspected diagnosis. If we find there isn’t an abnormality you will continue with your planned maternity care.
If the diagnosis is confirmed we will explain what this means and discuss in detail the options available for managing the condition. Depending on your condition you may continue to see us in the fetal medicine unit throughout your pregnancy.
For some conditions, such as twin to twin transfusion syndrome or fetal heart abnormality, you may need further assessment and treatment with another service. We work closely with our colleagues in the neonatal intensive care unit at Whittington Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital and the fetal medicine centres at University College London Hospital and King’s College Hospital to plan any care you require throughout your pregnancy and after your baby is born.
We have close links with all of the hospitals we refer to and our fetal medicine specialists run clinics at University College London Hospital.
Further Information
Fetal medicine unit team:
Kate Milne RM, research midwife
Ilke Nevzat, coordinator
Last updated05 Jul 2018