Whittington nurses recognised for outstanding care

                                      Cellier Ward
Nurses from Whittington Health have been voted among the most outstanding in Islington.

The Islington Nurses Awards asked patients and NHS staff to nominate nurses, midwives and care teams who have provided outstanding care to local patients.

The inaugural awards scheme, which was held this month (Tuesday 10th July), is run by local health commissioners Islington Clinical Commissioning Group and recognises high quality nursing that is focused on achieving optimum health outcomes for patients.

The award categories are based on the six values of nursing – called the 6Cs – which were developed last year by the NHS Chief Nursing Officer to galvanize the NHS to improve care for patients.

Whittington Health’s Claire Davies, tissue viability nurse, was honoured with the Care Award. Claire has helped to establish leg ulcer clinics for local patients which have enabled hundreds of patients receive treatment for leg ulcers closer to home and recover more quickly. Her work has also resulted in a reduction of community (non-hospital) patients getting pressure ulcers.

The Courage award went to Whittington Health’s postnatal Cellier Ward. The team implemented a project that enables partners and companions to stay overnight on the ward with mothers after they give birth. The project is the first of its kind in inner city London. Since its introduction, there has been a significant reduction in complaints and staff have received positive feedback from mothers and their partners about their experiences.

The Compassion Award was given to Ann Conoulty and Whittington Health’s Continuing Care Team. The team provides care to patients outside the hospital who have substantial and ongoing treatment needs. The team is often required to care for and support patients and families as they face intense illness.

Bronagh Scott, Director of Nursing at Whittington Health said: “All of these individuals work tirelessly to ensure that local patients receive the best care possible. I’m really proud that their dedication and hard work has been recognised in this way.”

Last updated25 Jul 2013
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