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Specialist nursing

Specialist nursing
The Clinical Nurse Specialists provide high quality specialist nursing care and support to patients and their families who have or fear they have breast cancer. They offer information, counselling and advice. Patients receiving treatment for breast cancer will have many consultations with doctors. Some patients will need to go to other hospitals (for example to Royal Free, or UCLH for radiotherapy). The specialist nurses provide continuity of care and support throughout several consultations and treatments which includes surgery endocrine and chemotherapy treatments, biological treatments, clinical trials and radiotherapy.

The Breast Nurse Specialists also fit breast prosthesis, advise about undergarments, manage and advise on mild to moderate catergories of lymphoedema and other side effects from surgery. We also help patients access national and local support services and provide emotional and psycological support to our patients throughout their journey with us from diagnosis and beyond.
Last updated16 Apr 2013
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