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Our Services

We aim to offer highest quality care for patients with breast diseases. More than 1,900 new patients with breast symptoms were referred to our unit in 2011.

Why choose Whittington breast unit

Our dedicated breast multidisciplinary team makes sure that every patient receives up-to-date evidence-based care - yet tailored to individuals' needs and values. We encourage all our patients to actively participate in decision-making to take informed decisions about their treatments.

Services available at Whittington breast unit

Full diagnostic assessment:
For all newly referred patients we conduct diagnostic assessment clinics also known as triple assessment clinics, every day, from Monday to Thursday. The diagnostic assessment usually involves clinical examination by a breast surgeon in all cases, breast imaging in most cases and a biopsy in a few cases. [Monday 9.30 am -1 pm, Tuesday 1 - 4 pm, Wednesday 9 am - 1 pm, Thursday 1 - 4 pm]

Image led diagnostic clinics for young women:
A subset of new referrals, especially women below the age of 35 will be offered diagnostic assessment through image led clinics. In these clinics you will be examined by a breast radiologist who will perform an appropriate breast imaging and if required an image guided biopsy.
[Thursday 1 pm - 4pm]

Benign breast disease management:
Majority of benign breast conditions are self limiting and do not require any surgical or medical interventions. Our specialists offer range of conventional surgical treatments as well as image guided therapeutic procedures such as vacuum assisted excisions, for those symptomatic patients who would benefit from surgical interventions.

Comprehensive breast cancer treatments:
Our multidisciplinary team offers full range of comprehensive treatment options for all types and stages of breast cancer (early as well as advanced), including lumpectomy / wide local excision which preserve the breast; sentinel node biopsy and axillary clearance and mastectomy. We also treat less common types of cancers such as: Inflammatory breast cancer, breast cancer during pregnancy, breast cancer in young women and in breast cancer in men.

Onc-oplastic breast reconstruction services:
Our aim is to offer breast conservation, if feasible, to all suitable breast cancer patients. We offer wide range of onco-plastic breast conservation procedures to maximise aesthetic results without compromising oncological principles. All the patients who require mastectomy would be offered an appropriate primary or delayed breast reconstruction option.

Cancer surveillance programme:
All patients treated for breast cancer, will be offered regular follow-up, comprising clinical examination and appropriate imaging, for a minimum of five years from the time of their initial cancer treatment. The surveillance frequency and the duration will be fine tuned by your treating clinicians based on your cancer relapse risks. After competing adequate disease free period, most of our cancer patients will be discharged from regular hospital follow-up. They will still be a part of national breast screening programme and will receive screening with mammogram every three years.

Familial breast cancer risk assessment, risk-monitoring and risk-reduction services:
We offer risk assessment for women with close family members diagnosed with breast cancer or ovarian cancers. If the assessment indicate that your risk of developing breast/ovarian cancer falls in either moderate risk or high risk brackets, then you will be offered an appropriate counselling, risk monitoring and risk management options.
Last updated16 Apr 2013
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