Michael Clift
Work Areas
Michael is responsible for the education and training of over 50 nurses working in inpatient, outpatient and ambulatory paediatrics. These areas see premature and term neonates and all children up until the age of 17 with a wide range of conditions including general paediatric, orthopaedic and surgical. Children with social, psychiatric and psychological issues are seen up until the age of 18.
Publication and Presentation
Michael has presented audit results and general presentations related to medication errors to Drs, pharmacists and nurses at conferences, study days and committee meetings.
Michael qualified as a children's nurse from The University of Central England in 1998 and then began work on the paediatric general surgery ward at Birmingham Children's Hospital (BCH). After three years at BCH he left to travel and work overseas gaining valuable experience in both Children's ED and Oncology Haematology nursing in New Zealand and Australia respectively. Michael began work on IFOR ward at the Whittington in 2004 and progressed to charge nurse in 2005. In April 2009 he started his present post as a practice development nurse for the Whittington Paediatric Unit.
Special Interests
Medication errors, equipment training, audit, resuscitation, undergraduate education, numeracy.