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Speech and Language Therapy (Hospital-based Services)

Speech and Language Therapy (Hospital-based Services)

Main Address

The Whittington Hospital Speech and Language Therapy service operates from Monday to Friday. The Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) work within the hospital providing a service to adults and children on the hospital wards. There are also outpatient services for people with voice disorders and children with feeding or swallowing difficulties. We run x-ray swallow studies (videofluoroscopy) in the imaging department for adults and children with swallowing difficulties. We work alongside other health professionals to provide a patient-centred service.

Adult Service
We offer assessment and treatment to adults with newly acquired swallowing and/or communication difficulties during an admission to The Whittington Hospital.  Communication and swallowing problems may result from a variety of conditions, such as stroke, dementia, trauma, or acute infection. Difficulties may include:
• Changes in the ability to speak clearly
• Difficulty forming words or sentences, reading or writing
• Reduced ability to safely chew and swallow food/drink
Referrals are accepted from a patient’s medical or nursing team, via a phone call to our department.
Outpatient Voice Therapy
We offer appointments to adults and children experiencing benign difficulties with their voice box (larynx), for example:
• Disturbance of voice quality
• Pitch changes
• Loss of volume
• Reduced voice stamina
• Discomfort in the throat
Your GP will refer you to an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor, who will examine your voice box and refer you for voice therapy as necessary. We will contact you to arrange an appointment.
Paediatric Service
We offer assessment and treatment to babies and children with feeding and swallowing difficulties. We operate an inpatient and outpatient service. We see children for the following reasons:
• Difficulty with breast or bottle feeding
• Coughing or choking when swallowing
• Refusing to feed, eat or drink
• Difficulty tolerating certain food textures
Inpatient referrals are accepted from a patient’s medical or nursing team, via phone call to our department.
Outpatient referrals are accepted from paediatricians, via letter or email. Referrals from GPs or health professionals for patients who do not have a paediatrician may be considered.
Further information about Speech and Language Therapy can be found on the website for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RSCLT)

Further Information

For queries or further information contact or 020 7288 5546
Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
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