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Cardiac Investigations

Cardiac graphic

Main Address

  • Clinic 3A
    The Whittington Hospital
    Magdala Avenue
    N19 5NF
Please note that we no longer offer a walk-in ECG service. All ECGs need to be booked on the choose and book system (ERS).  If you would like to find out the status of your appointment, please call 020 7288 5691.
We carry out the following tests and procedures:
Electrocardiogram (ECG) –This is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart and shows the rhythm and rate of the heart beating.  Patients are required to undress down to the waist and relax on a couch. Ten ECG stickers are then attached to the patient in specific positions on the chest and limbs or torso. Wires from the ECG machine are attached to the stickers and the 12 lead ECG recording is taken, the test takes approximately 10 – 15 mins.

Exercise tolerance test – A comprehensive recording of ECG’s along with blood pressure readings while walking on a treadmill. The ECG is monitored continuously by a cardiac physiologist, and recordings and blood pressure measurements are taken every 3 minutes.

Twenty-four-hour ECG
– A small ECG recording device is connected to the patient using 4 or 5 ECG stickers on their chest.  The patient takes the device home with them keeping it attached for 24 hours. The patient returns the monitor the next day when the results are downloaded and analysed.

Twenty-four-hour blood pressure - A blood pressure cuff and a small portable blood pressure machine is connected to patient who take the monitor home with them keeping it attached for 24 hours. The patient returns the monitor the next day when the results are downloaded and analysed.
Event recorder/Cardiomemo
– A small portable ECG recording device is issued to the patient for typically a 7 day period and ECG recordings are activated by the patient when symptoms are experienced. 
Pacemaker check – Pacemakers need to be checked periodically to ensure that they continue to function appropriately and to carry out checks on the battery status. A specific programmer is used for specific pacemakers. A small handheld device is held over the pacemaker and data from the pacemaker is transmitted to the programmer where it is displayed and analysed by the cardiac physiologist.
– This is an ultrasound scan of the heart. Patients are required to undress down to the waist and relax on a couch in a darkened room. An ultrasound probe and gel are passed over the patient’s chest in specific regions to obtain ultrasound images for the heart beating. An analysis of function and blood flow can be made from the images. The test takes approximately 30 – 45mins. 

Preparing for your appointment

We are situated in Clinic 3A on level 3 of the outpatient building. Please report to the reception desk on arrival, alternatively you can book in electronically at the self-service booths situated at the entrance to the clinic.
Your doctor will advise you whether you need to stop any medication you are taking.
  • If you are having 24-hour ambulatory ECG or blood pressure monitoring, please be aware that you will not be able to bathe or shower while you are wearing the recorder.
  • If you are having an Exercise test, do not have a heavy meal within one hour of the test. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, suitable for exercise. You may like to bring a towel. If you take beta blockers, your GP or cardiologist will advise you when to stop taking them prior to the test.
  • Please be aware that other patients in the waiting area may be waiting for various different procedures and patients are not called in order of time of arrival but time of appointment. 

Further Information

Contact: Abeera Mustafa-Lead Principal Cardiac Physiologist – 020 7288 5693

Cardiac Investigation Administrator- Farzana Bacchus - 020 7288 5693

Monday to Friday - 9am to 4:30pm
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