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Mr Maneesh Ghei

Dr Maneesh Ghei

Consultant Urologist and Lead for the Urology Cancer Services

  • 0207 288 5221
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Work Areas

All general and core urology. Endourology and stones. Prostate bladder. Renal cancer. Laparoscopy and minimally invasive urology.


Mr Mr Maneesh Ghei completed his medical degree (MBBS) in Pt. BDS Post graduate Institute of Medical sciences, India.

He went on to serve his residency in General Surgery at the same Institute leading on to the award of Masters in Surgery (MS). It was at the Whittington Hospital, London that he pursued clinical research and lead the first ever randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover trial looking at the treatment of Botulinum Toxin in refractory Overactive bladders. This research received worldwide recognition and lead on to numerous national and International publications in esteemed peer reviewed journals. He received an award of Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the University of London.

Mr Ghei completed his comprehensive Urological training in South Wales, UK where he procured a fellowship in treatment of Urological stone disease and Laparoscopy in the final year. During this time he successfully passed the FRCS (Urol).


MBBS, MS (Gen Surg), MRCS, MD (UCL), FRCS(Urol)
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