
Main Address
- Dermatology Department
Clinic 3B
Whittington Hospital
Magdala Avenue
London - N19 5NF
- 020 7288 5331
- Two Week Wait Skin Cancer Clinics including complex surgery – run by Dr Taghipour, Dr Esdaile and Dr Duhovic
- A Vulval clinic in conjunction with The Department for Women’s Health (for female genital skin problems) – run by Dr Taghipour
- Paediatric dermatology clinic (a dedicated childrens clinic) – run by Dr Kapur, Dr Esdaile and Dr Carras
- An Immunobullous clinic (blister clinic) and a recruitment centre for a recently completed multi-centre UK trial on Bullous Pemphigoid – run by Dr Taghipour
- A Dedicated biologics clinic (primarily for severe psoriasis) – run by Dr Carras
- A Patch Test Clinic (for detecting allergic contact dermatitis) – run by Dr Duhovic
- A Keloid injection clinic – run by Clinical Nurse Specialist Bridget Akwa-Otu
- A Roaccutane clinic (for severe acne)
- A Phototherapy & Photo-chemotherapy service – ie UVB, PUVA and TLO1
The department has a dedicated administration team. The Medical Secretary to the Dermatology Department is Yve Greenaway who deals with patient enquiries and the general logistics of the department. Our reception staff in Clinic 3B consists of Graham Smith and Gaynor Haynes.
The department has set up a One stop Skin Cancer screening Service that was highlighted for outstanding practice in our latest CQC report. The department has a well-established set-up for out-patient and day case surgery with sole access to out-patient theatres. At present consultant Dr Ben Esdaile carries out complex excisions and reconstruction procedures on patients with skin cancers. For patients who require specialist treatment we collaborate with other local trusts, including the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Mohs Micrographic Surgery Team at The Royal Free Hospital and the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy at University College London Hospital
For over 20 years the Clinical Nurse Specialist and Staff Nurse have run the department’s phototherapy service. This includes UVB light treatment for inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as well as autoimmune conditions such as vitiligo, UVA treatment for conditions such as psoriasis and Photodyamic Therapy (PDT) for superficial skin cancers and sun induced damage. We see 30 patients a day, for 2 or 3 days a week, in 2 month cycles seeing 180 patients a year. Our current waiting list is around 4 months, considerably lower than the national average of 9 months.
The Dermatology Department is highly involved in delivering high quality medical education to a wide audience from undergraduate medical students from University College London to postgraduate education for trainee Dermatologists and General Practitioners. Medical students are attached to the Dermatology Department for 4 weeks at a time during which they receive a range of teaching, from seminars on the basics of dermatology to clinic based teaching in our general dermatology clinics and during skin surgery. For this reason we hope that you understand that you might encounter medical students during your visit to the department, you will always be asked if you are comfortable with them being present but please do not hesitate to let us know if you do not. We also teach local General Practitioners who want to take the Diploma in Dermatology and support them to maintain the standard of their practice after they have done so.
The Dermatology Department is actively involved in clinical research and currently has a number of clinical trials. This is managed by a Dermatology research nurse. For more information on these clinical trials and the contact details of our research team please see the dedicated section.
Range of services
- Adult General Dermatology Clinics
- Rapid access Suspected Skin Cancer clinic with same day skin surgery, Surgery including complex procedures such as wide local excisions, local skin flaps and skin grafts. Primarily for investigation of Malignant Melanoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Paediatric General Dermatology Clinics
- Patch Test Clinic - allergic contact dermatitis and occupational Dermatology
- Immunobullous clinic (Blister clinic)
- Vulval Dermatology in conjunction with the department of Women’s Health
- Biologic treatment clinic (primarily for severe psoriasis Acne and oral Isotretinoin clinic
- Dermatopathology Service with Fortnightly Skin MDT covering malignant and non-malignant cases
- Dedicated Skin Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Phototherapy & Photo-chemotherapy – ie UVB, PUVA and TLO1
- Conventional and Daylight Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for superficial skin cancers and solar keratoses
- Cryotherapy clinic
- Steroid injection clinic – e.g for keloid treatment
- Lontophoresis education and treatment service
- Teledermatology Service for Haringey/ Islington GPs
- Other services including skin dressings
Our Medical Secretary Yve Greenaway can be contacted on 020 7288 5266.
Lead manager
Further Information
Let us know how we are doing
Dermatology Department
Clinic 3B
The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust
Magdala Avenue
N19 5NF
You can also telephone 020 7288 5266 to contact the Dermatology Secretary.
9am to 5pm