Information for patients
The Whittington Day Treatment Centre is a newly built, self-contained unit at the Whittington Hospital for day surgery and endoscopy. During your stay in our modern facility you will be treated and cared for by a dedicated team of specialist doctors and nurses who are focused on delivering the best quality of care. This information is to help you prepare for your visit.

What will happen on the day
On arrival, please go to the Day Treatment Centre reception desk where the receptionist will book you in. You may be asked to sit and wait in the reception area until a nurse can see you. Please note that as there are several theatres and endoscopy procedure rooms in use at the same time, some patients who arrive after you may be called in first, if they are waiting for a different nurse or surgeon.
As there is limited space in the reception area, we ask that anyone accompanying you leaves this area once you have booked in. Please ensure that you have their contact details and that this person knows the Discharge telephone number, so they can call to find out what time to collect you.
Your escort may wish to visit the Whittington Court on Level 1, where they will find the hospital restaurant and a shop selling a wide range of newspapers, magazines, snacks, sweets and drinks.
Pre-admission instructions
For your safety it is important that you follow all the following instructions:
- For a morning procedure, please arrive between 7am and 7.30am. You may eat and drink until 1am during the night before admission, but from then until 6.30am you may only drink still water. After 6.30am you must not take anything by mouth
- For an afternoon procedure, please arrive between 11.45am and 12pm (midday). You may drink tea or coffee up to 7am that morning, but between 7am and 11am you may only drink still water. After 11am you must not take anything by mouth
- If you are having a general anaesthetic, chewing gum should not be used for at least six hours before your procedure
- If you are having a general anaesthetic, sedation or a nerve block you must have an adult over 18 years of age to take you home and stay with you overnight, otherwise your surgery will be cancelled on the day
- Endoscopy patients: please follow the procedure-specific instructions provided with your appointment details
- Please note: the removal of body piercings may be necessary.
What to bring with you

Please keep your belongings to a minimum:
- Dressing gown and slippers
- The name and contact number of the person who will be taking you home
- A list of the medications that you take regularly or in an emergency
- A limited amount of cash
- Something to read.
What to leave at home
- All jewellery, except for your wedding ring
- Do not bring large amounts of money or credit cards
- Remove nail polish and acrylic nails
- Remove contact lenses
- No chewing gum or sweets.
After your procedure
- You will be taken to the recovery area, where you will stay until you are told you are fit to leave by the nurse in charge of your care
- As soon as it is safe for you to go home, you will be asked to wait in the discharge waiting area at the Day Treatment Centre exit at the back of the hospital. This is where you can be collected (please see 'How to find us').
- You must be collected by a responsible adult and travel home by car or taxi. Public transport must not be used. Short stay parking is available at one of the parking bays. Please note this is strictly for the collection of Day Treatment Centre patients only
- Please make sure that the person taking you home is given the Discharge telephone number, so they can check when you are ready to be collected. The telephone number is 020 7288 4433
- When discharged, we will give you a contact number so you can telephone a surgical nurse in case you need any help or advice
- If you need time off work following your procedure, you must ask for a medical certificate to be given to you on the day. If you have any questions, please ask one of the nurses
- If you have had a general anaesthetic, a named nurse will telephone you the day after surgery to check that you are well, answer any questions and give advice if required
- If you are not ready to go home after your surgery for a clinical reason, you may need to stay in hospital for the night and will be transferred to a ward. You will be reviewed the following morning and, all being well, will be discharged home. If this happens, you will need to arrange for someone to collect you and take you home.
After discharge
- Follow any instructions given to you by the nurse on discharge
- Do not work, drive or operate machinery, including household appliances for 24 hours
- Have a responsible adult to look after you at home who can stay with you for 24 hours
- If you have problems relating to your procedure after you go home, for example if you think you are developing a wound infection, please contact the Day Treatment Centre where a member of staff will provide advice.
Infection control
At the Whittington Hospital we have strict anti-infection procedures and great care is taken to reduce the risk of infection at every stage of your treatment. All staff have undertaken infection control training. Regular national and local environment surveys reflect our ever-improving standards of cleanliness. The risk of infection is extremely low for patients having day case procedures. Please have a look at our short film 'Infection Control at The Whittington Hospital'.
Last updated23 Apr 2024