
Immunisations are a quick, safe and effective way of protecting your child against a range of serious and potentially fatal diseases.
The more children that have immunisations, the lower the chances of a disease outbreak.
Many parents are concerned that children have too many immunisations which weaken the immune system. Studies show that this is not the case (NHS Choices)
Your child will be offered the following immunisations:
  • 8 weeks– six-in-one vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b) and hepatitis b; Pneumococcal Vaccine (protects against Pneumococcal infections) Rotavirus (a common cause of diarrhoea and sickness) and Men B (Meningitis B).
  • 12 weeks– six-in-one vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b), and hepatitis b; and Rotavirus (a common cause of diarrhoea and sickness).
  • 16 weeks– six-in-one vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b) and hepatitis b; Pneumococcal Vaccine (protects against pneumococcal infections) and Men B (Meningitis B).
  • 12-13 months– Hib/ Men C booster, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Men B (Meningitis B) and Pneumococcal vaccine.
  • Two, three and four years– annual Flu Vaccine will be offered from Autumn 2014 to children aged two, three and four on September 1st 2014, it is given as a nasal spray.
  • Pre-school booster– given from the age of 3 years 4 months, to starting school, includes MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and four-in-one (diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio)
  • BCG (TB vaccine) is not given routinely, it is offered to a baby who is thought to have an increased risk of coming into contact with TB.
Useful information

Please explore the following sections for more information:

Healthy child programme

The Healthy Child Programme for children aged 0-5 years focuses on a universal service, providing families with a programme of screening, immunisation, health and development reviews, supplemented by advice around health, wellbeing and parenting.
For more information, click on the link below:
The aims of the Healthy Child Programme 4 Barnet service:
  • to promote a strong attachment between parent/s and child, the result of which will be better social and emotional well-being in children
  • to ensure more children remain healthy and safe
  • to reduce obesity by promoting healthy eating
  • to increase breastfeeding
  • to aim for children to be ready for starting school
  • aim for early recognition of development delays, growth problems, ill-health and safety concerns

Routine appointments

There are key times within your child’s development that we will arrange appointments to see you and/or your baby/child.
We may send you an ‘ages and stages’ questionnaire (ASQ3) to complete in preparation for the appointment to reflect on your child’s progress. This allows you the opportunity to bring any issues of concern to the appointment for discussion.
The questionnaire also includes lots of activity ideas to try with your child.
  • Antenatal appointment between 28 -38 weeks pregnancy (see information on whooping cough vaccinations in pregnancy).
  • Birth visit at home between 10-14 days.
  • Development review between 6-8 weeks.
  • Under 1 year development review between 32-52 weeks of age.
  • 2 year development review between 2 years and 2 years 6 months.

Additional support

The Health Visiting team can also offer support in a variety of areas including:
  • breastfeeding
  • introducing solid foods/healthy eating
  • behaviour, sleep and toilet training
  • home safety and accident prevention
  • chlamydia screening for 15-25 year olds
  • support children who have long term health needs
  • depression

You can contact your Health Visitor to discuss any health problems that concern your children, yourself or any other family member.

The Red Book (personal child health record)

Your child’s red book is usually given to you at the hospital when they are born. It is the main record of your child’s health and development which professionals should update when a child is seen in a health care setting. It contains lots of information about your child including, immunisations, routine reviews, your child’s firsts and growth charts.
The red book belongs to the NHS and you should take care of it and ensure it is available at all contacts with your baby/child when seeing a healthcare professional.

Last updated29 Nov 2024
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