Your Child's Development

A Health Visitor or member of the Health Visiting team will have contact with you at various stages of your child’s development.
At other times you will be able to make an appointment at a local clinic or contact your health visitor for advice and support if you need it. Some contacts will be at home, at other times we may ask you to come to see us at a children’s centre or GP surgery.

Please explore the following sections for more information:

Developmental milestones

Child development is divided into four main categories:
1. Physical
     Gross motor-ability to use large muscles
     Fine motor –ability to use small muscles specifically their hands and fingers
2.  Cognitive development
      The ability to learn and solve problems
3.  Social and Emotional development
      The child’s ability to interact with others including helping themselves and self-control
4.  Communication/Speech and language
      The use of language and child’s ability to communicate and understand

A developmental milestone is a skill that a child acquires within a specific time frame and enables you and us to gauge your child’s development. Most children reach these around the following times:

Speech & language development

Communication is a vital skill that all children need to learn. Without it they will not reach their full potential. It is never too soon to talk to your baby. The more you talk to him he will copy you and will soon learn to talk confidently. By talking to your baby, he will learn to listen, say his noises back to him – he will hear them and copy them. Your baby learns to talk by copying you.
Nursery rhymes & songs
Babies and toddlers love songs and nursery rhymes. By using actions (signs and gesture), it makes it easier for children to understand the meaning of words. Nursery Rhymes and songs are also great fun!
Books and stories
By looking at picture books together, not just reading to your child, you will encourage them to take a more active part. Let them help you to tell the story by talking about the pictures.
You will be given a Bookstart pack at the six-eight week appointment.
Everyday routine
Discussing what you are doing throughout the day is a good way to help your child.
e.g. at bath time talk about parts of the body
at dressing time talk about clothes and colours
It’s play time!
Set aside specific times of the day when you and your child can discover things together.  It need not be for long stretches of time, just little and often. Point out noises that go on around you and see if you can copy them together;
e.g. car, hoover, dog, cow
While your child is playing, talk through what they are doing, commenting on what she is doing.
Family outings are also an excellent way to encourage language.
Remember learning is fun!!
For more information on children’s communication visit Talking Point
For more information on how your child is learning and developing view What to expect, when

Toilet training

Children are able to control their bladder and bowels when they’re physically ready and when they want to be dry and clean, usually from the age of 18 months to three years. Every child is different and it is not unusual for this to happen later in some children. There will be occasions when your child has set backs with some wetting episodes.

Try to remember the following:

  • most children can control their bowels before their bladder
  • by the age of 2, some children will be dry during the day, but this is still quite early
  • by the age of 3, nine out of ten children are dry most days – even then, all children have the odd accident, especially when they’re excited, upset or absorbed in something else.
  • by the age of 4, most children are reliably dry
  • remember that you can’t force your child to use a potty if they’re not ready
  • try to remain patient and praise your child for their efforts
  • the summer months can be an easier time to start, when clothes dry more quickly and there are fewer clothes to take off

It usually takes a little longer to learn to stay dry throughout the night. Although most children learn this between the ages of 3 and 5, it is estimated that a quarter of 3 year olds and one in six 5 year olds wet the bed.

For further information please explore the sections below, and/or visit the website:

Further information on reviews

Select a section below to find out further information on reviews.

Dental care / Oral health

As soon as baby’s teeth appear, brush them. Use a small soft baby toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste. Adult toothpaste is recommended, you do not need to use children’s toothpaste. Gently brush the outside, inside and biting surface of all the teeth. Brush morning and night.
  • Increase to a pea size amount of toothpaste from the age of 3.
  • Change the toothbrush every three months.
  • Encourage tooth friendly low sugar snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables, and cubes of cheese.
  • Ask your doctor to prescribe sugar free medication where possible and use sugar free paracetamol and teething gels.
  • Make sure your child has regular check-ups with the dentist to keep their teeth and mouth healthy.
Never share toothbrushes.
Never give your child sugary foods or drinks before bedtime.
Never give your baby a dummy dipped in sugary foods or drinks e.g. honey, jam or juice.

Last updated29 Nov 2024
Working on it!