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Moving on to Adult Services (Healthcare Transition)

At 18 years of age, your health care will transition (move) into Adult Services. Prior to this we want to ensure any young person has: -
  • The right information
  • The right knowledge
  • The right skills
  • To independently manage their health care once they Transition into Adult Services.
You may start to hear the term ‘healthcare transition' after you turn 13 years old or begun year 8 in school. Each speciality may run their transition service slightly differently, however the medical team or the nurse specialist will support you throughout your healthcare transition journey. It might be possible for your team to arrange an informal visit to the adult service or organise other ways for you to meet the new team and start to get to know them.
Topics for you and your parents/carers to think over and discuss in preparation for this change might include:
  • Learning the names of regular medicines, why you need them, how much to take and how often, asking and answering questions about your health and treatments
  • Seeing your doctor or nurse on your own, for part of clinic appointments or consultations
  • Keeping track of hospital appointments.
The most difficult thing for some families is to break contact with the children’s service once the move to adult services has happened. It is important for your continuing health that any questions or concerns are discussed with the adult team. While you can stay in touch with the children’s team at Whittington, the adult team should be the first point of contact in all matters related to your health once you have moved into adult health care.
If you would like further information / advice about Health Transition at Whittington Hospital please email or use the QR code on the right-hand side of this page, to contact the Transition Team.
We are keen to engage with young people to support our work at Whittington Health. If you have any comments or suggestions for these web pages, please email us via our QR code below.
Last updated28 Aug 2024
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