Occupational Therapists
There are 50 Occupational Therapists working across a broad range of services in the hospital and the community in Paediatric and Adult services and in mental health settings.
The Band 5 OT rotational post offers a wide range of opportunities in Acute In-patient teams at the Whittington Hospital: care of the elderly, medical and orthopaedics, ED and Rapid response and Outpatient Hand Therapy. There are opportunities to work in Adult physical and neuro rehabilitation at St Pancras Hospital and within multi-disciplinary Community Rehabilitation teams, as well as Community Social Services. In addition, you have the opportunity of working in Adult Mental Health and in Paediatric services across Haringey and Islington. We have strong supervision structures and a well-developed Band 5 in-service training and Preceptorship programme for all newly qualified Occupational Therapists.
We have static Band 5 posts in Paediatric and young person services, where we work in clinics, schools, nurseries, health centres and homes and in a variety of different teams. Some of our Occupational Therapists work with our infants, children and young people in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Special Care Baby Unit, paediatric ward and in outpatient clinics.
Meet some of our Occupational Therapists
Laura and Nicola are Occupational Therapists working in our community teams. Watch them explain what it is like treating patients in their homes.
Last updated04 Sep 2023