Orthopaedic Therapy

IAOTAP - Orthopaedic Therapy - Introduction
The Orthopaedic Therapy department consists of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists working together to improve patients functional ability and manage a safe discharge from hospital to the community.
We take a holistic approach to each individual’s needs. Our goal is to provide expert care for you orthopaedic condition whilst ensuring all other aspects of care which go into making a discharge from hospital as safe as possible.
We engage with patients directly about their care needs and liaise with next of Kin to ensure that no decision is made about an individuals care needs without them being involved.
Orthopaedic Therapy care at the Whittington includes traumatic injury (spinal fractures, Neck of femur fractures, Upper and lower extremity injury amongst others), elective day cases, fracture clinic referrals. We will receive patients who have been repatriated from the major trauma centres in London. We attend Orthopaedic trauma meetings and have regular communication with the surgical team to ensure optimum patient care.
Much of our focus is aimed at early stage rehabilitation. We aim to provide patients a pathway to independent living, using a variety of equipment and mobility aids to facilitate this progress. We have close links with the community care and rehab teams and will make referrals based on each patients’ individual needs. During a patients’ time on the ward, we will endeavour to develop an exercise programme to build strength and flexibility appropriate for the stage of recovery each person is at.
Things to think about when being discharged from Hospital if your mobility is temporarily limited:
  • Consider how you will look after yourself at home e.g. washing and dressing.  What are you able to manage for yourself and what might you need help with? We would encourage everyone to be as independent as they can with everyday tasks such as washing and dressing but there may be times when a little help is needed. Do you have family or friends who could help with this?

  • Can you organise family, friends to help with household activities? e.g. cooking, cleaning, shopping or consider online shopping and perhaps getting a cleaner for a period of time.

  • Could external agencies provide help? You can loan equipment from your local Red Cross e.g. if you are asked to be non-weight bearing they may provide you with a wheelchair.

  • Can home be organised to provide you more space? Is there someone that could do this for you in preparation for you returning home?Sometimes stairs can be a challenge when you first get home. Is there potential for living on just one level for a short time – perhaps bringing a bed downstairs or staying upstairs if that is preferable?

  • Can someone bring you home from hospital and then bring you to future appointments as necessary? Hospital transport is reserved for patients whose clinical condition means that travelling by any other means would be detrimental to their recovery or existing condition. Please contact 0333 240 4909 for details.

  • If you are concerned about how you will manage when you go home, please speak with the therapists on the ward. We will happily discuss your discharge plans.
Last updated12 Mar 2024
Working on it!