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Whittington Hospital Classroom

Isabelle drew a floating astronaut.

Faizah conveyed a rocket leaving the Earth atmosphere.

A collection of planets and stars within our solar system.

Planets from our solar system created using a mosaic technique.

The hospital classroom is situated on the paediatric ward (IFOR ward) within The Whittington hospital and is part of New River College Medical PRU. It provides the opportunity for children to continue their education while on the ward as patients. This is delivered through topic themed lessons and/ or individualised lessons depending on their need.
Themed topics include:
  • London
  • Humans
  • The Environment
  • Space
  • Relationships
  • Sport

Staff work as part of a multidisciplinary team with medical staff and external professionals including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), to ensure children have the best opportunity and outcome irrespective of their time in hospital.

Opening and Closing Times

Monday - Friday
  • Morning sessions 09:00-12:50
  • Break 10:50-11:10
  • Lunch 12:50-13:30
  • Afternoon sessions 13:30-14:30

If your child requires access to a laptop or ipad for remote learning, please feel free to let your nurse know and they will contact us before 09:00.
New River College collage image


Whittington Hospital Class
Ifor Ward
Whittington Hospital
London N19 5NF
Tel: 020 7288 5587
Whittington Hospital Classroom - The Big Ask
Last updated20 Jul 2022
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