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Paediatric Textbooks

The Hands-on Guide to Practical Paediatrics

The Hands-on Guide to Practical Paediatrics

by Dr Caroline Fertleman and Rebecca Hewitson

Won the 2015 BMJ Best Paediatric textbook award.
Learning From Paediatric Patient Journeys: What Children and Their Families Can Tell Us

Learning From Paediatric Patient Journeys: What Children and Their Families Can Tell Us

by Dr Caroline Fertleman, Chloe Macaulay and Polly Powell
(CRC Press)
100 Cases in Paediatrics

100 Cases in Paediatrics

by Joseph Raine and Aubrey Cunnington
(Hodder Arnold Publication)
Avoiding Errors in Paediatrics

Avoiding Errors in Paediatrics

by Joseph E. Raine and Kate Williams
Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children

Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children

by Joseph E. Raine and Malcolm D. C. Donaldson
Last updated12 May 2016
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