Respiratory patients are cared for on Nightingale ward, which has moved into the new wing of the hospital. The ward has been purpose-built and has 21 beds. The beds are situated in three four-bedded bays and nine single rooms, all of which have en-suite facilities. The ward is managed by Sister Julia Keane, Sister Frances O’Reilly and Sister Mary Mason.
Many of the patients on Nightingale ward are acutely unwell with acute severe asthma, respiratory failure requiring non-invasive ventilation or severe pneumonia.
There is a well established acute non-invasive ventilation service provided for patients with acute exacerbations of COPD, 24hours, seven days a week, led by the respiratory physiotherapists with the support of the nursing staff and medical team.
There is also a separate side room used for diagnostic overnight sleep studies and during the daytime for procedures such as pleural biopsies. Bronchoscopies are performed in the endoscopy suite.
Last updated29 Jan 2007